Tips on buying a rotisserie for pheasant…

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    And chicken and ribs-any tips on buying one? Are they worth the trouble? I have a 2 burner Weber, and a kettle. Would like to use the gas. Thanks

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Tim, I’ve got a Showtime Rotisserie. It runs horizontally. I use it for whole chickens, various beef roasts, and hams. This past Thanksgiving I bought the smallest turkey I could find and was able to get it on there. It’s electric and costs about 145 bucks.

    It really works well to cook cuts of beef that are generally pretty tough like a rump roast, chuck roast, etc. They key is not to over cook it. Simply stop it for a minute and check the internal temperature when it is getting close to done.

    The one downside is the amount of heat it gives off. It’s like a miniature oven operating in my kitchen so I don’t use it in the summer.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    I agree with gimruis but have also bought the rotisserie motor and ring for the Weber Kettle. I love the extension ring and use it a lot for added height even when I’m not using the rotisserie, think beer can chicken and turkey.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    Oh G, think I want one for the grill, anyone use it on a gas grill?

    Go Spuds
    Posts: 137

    Weber kettle is what I use my rotisserie with

    eastern iowa
    Posts: 362

    I have the showtime also. Use it a ton in the winter when it’s to cold to grill or smoke outside. Love doing steaks in it, they roll in their own juices and are awesome. If your going to get a rotisserie you need to get one of these, it’s a must, really. Otherwise you have no way to check your meat unless you open the door and stop the rotisserie and probe the meat with a thermometer. I use a thermometer on all my big cuts of meat, this is wireless so you can use it in the rotisserie.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816


    Just did a search on, gas grill rotisserie kit, on Amazon and got a bunch of hits. Check it out.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18842

    Use it a ton in the winter when it’s to cold to grill or smoke outside

    This is primarily when I use mine too.

    Summer, not at all.

    Posts: 3433


    I have been doing the Thanskgiving turkey with a Weber 9890 rotisserie on a 3 burner Weber gas grill for over 15 years. Turns out very good. I’ve also rotisseried chicken a few times and ribs in a basket a few times. I really like it.

    My burners run side to side so I only use the front and or back burners with the rotisserie. With a 2-burner grill it might be an issue to have indirect heat.

    Go to the weber web site and see if they have a rotisserie for your model grill.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5871

    I’ve had 2 22″ Weber rotisseries, in 44 years. They are a nice addition to my arsenal. Slow and Sear and the Billows are a couple more for the kettle.

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