Tips for panfish

  • YoungGunz2
    Maple Grove MN
    Posts: 16

    I’m looking for some better techniques for catching panfish, anything helps!

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    Start with making sure you are in a good fishery. Look up the surveys for the lake you suspect or wish to fish and see if the species you are seeking are in abundance in that lake.

    The rest is classic elbow grease. Get out there and fish. Honestly, I still rely on finding other closed up holes or fishermen as part of the strategy. Then I drill a half dozen holes from shallower to deeper and use the underwater camera to see the structure. Looking for weed edges sometimes or open pockets in the weeds.

    If the fish are not there, keep moving to a similar spot. If the fish are small, I move on as well. Funnels or low spots leading to flats may be good. Mud leading to weeds pretty good sometimes too. I’ll try the mouths to bays as well. Good luck!

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