Tipping jiging raps

  • ermaag62
    Posts: 13

    What is everyone’s opinion on tipping jiging raps with a minnow head? I’ve heard people say that’s the only way to go and others say it affects the action of the bait. I’ve done it both ways and can’t say I’ve noticed a different in my catch rate but that’s not saying much because I don’t catch a lot of fish lol.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1259

    Tipping the bottom treble with a minnow head isn’t a bad idea. I’ve even tipped the bottom treble with up to 3 small minnows at times because it can be a deadly presentation. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5179

    These are starting to be my favorite lures and I have never tipped mine. The smallest ones have been the best producers for me. You literally can catch any species with them and usually the biggest fish in the area ends up smacking them so it keeps the dinks away…..usually.

    SE ND
    Posts: 190

    I tip them with the smallest minnow heads in the bucket

    Posts: 7348

    These are starting to be my favorite lures and I have never tipped mine. The smallest ones have been the best producers for me. You literally can catch any species with them and usually the biggest fish in the area ends up smacking them so it keeps the dinks away…..usually.


    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1402

    tipping does affect the action, but how much you tip it with is the after effect.

    if it’s small, it’s negligible.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    These are starting to be my favorite lures and I have never tipped mine. The smallest ones have been the best producers for me. You literally can catch any species with them and usually the biggest fish in the area ends up smacking them so it keeps the dinks away…..usually.

    What size are you guys having the best luck with for walleye?

    SE MN
    Posts: 5179

    The ones I like are about an inch long(#1?) If you live on a lake loaded with eyes, go bigger. I don’t have that luxury so I go small and they work for me. I go bigger once the ice melts and I can drift the river and cover lots of water. They are made by just about every tackle company these days too not just rapala.
    I typically jig them aggressively until I get a fish on the graph, then just slowly lift up and down until I feel weight.

    Posts: 7348

    Maybe it was last year, possibly year prior, but some eyes we kept from Leech on ice had these 1″ long crappies in em. Started using the smaller raps since.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 222

    I always tip jigging raps,might be a couple waxies on a #2,but a#3 or larger definetely gets a minnow head off the treble.A little bait on the treble always has produced better for me.

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