Was ice fishing with my uncle this past weekend. Had some tip-ups up…. he got broke off by something while using that black heavy fishing line. I typically use a mono leader but wondering what you guys do?
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Tip Up Up
January 23, 2018 at 7:54 pm #1746913
I have been fishing tip ups for 35 years and every time I re spool my tip ups I like to use 50 lb braid and the same in your leader! as far as a leader it depends on water depth I am fishin, if I am in deeper water ( 8-16′) I use a long leader as long as 24″ shallow water under 8′ 12″ For this reason if you have the big one on the longer leader will lower the ice cut way down. as far as mono leader I have tried but have not liked them as I have lost to many nice fish due to break off. so good wire leader is my choice. landed a 42″ personal best and just last sat 38″ I love my tip ups!! last year bought I fish pro and really enjoy them
Posts: 1671January 23, 2018 at 10:42 pm #1746944I have three sets of tip ups, six each set (2 for each my boys and myself). One with black braided dacron “tip up line” with a swivel and fluorocarbon leader for walleyes, one set with the same dacron to heavy 45lb+ leaders for pike fishing most waters, and one set spooled with braided duck decoy cord to XXX heavy quick strike rigs. I use the XXX heavy tipups for when I’m fishing lakes with the potential for monster pike. The boy got a dandy 41” Saturday on ML. Beats my PB by an inch. I plan on beating him this March. My boys need a good schillacking. Them beating me all the time is about to end!!!! Gloves are coming off soon.
January 23, 2018 at 11:54 pm #1746951I use the same black tip up line you are using (I’m assuming). I run tie on a heavy duty barrel swivel to the end of it and then use fluoro leader (I believe it’s 20lb) with a snap to attach to the swivel. I have a handful of different rigs tied up and can switch them out really easily this way (ie: single hook, quickstrike etc.).
January 24, 2018 at 9:39 am #1747012I kind of like the idea of a heavy mono or flouro leader (20lb) seems more likely to land medium size pike or walleye. But it would seem like when you finally get the BIG pike he’d break it off like Scratcher said.
Drifter, do you use some type of dacron 45lb leader? Or just the 45lb line tied directly to your hook?
Also curious about the wire leaders….. have used them for casting open water, but not ice fishing thought it would spook the fish
January 24, 2018 at 9:57 am #1747015Personally I’ve really like the vinly coated line and a leader of mono or flouro tied to a steel leader. The vinyl doesn’t cut hands and pulls off the ice easy versus freezing to the ice.
Nothing like seeing the flag go up.
January 24, 2018 at 10:38 am #1747023I use 20lb mono for leaders on Walleye and small pike. If I’m heading up north or to Canada, i’ll use an 80lb braid leader or sometimes even wire. I had 3 pike in a row bite me off on Little Winnie 2 years ago using 20lb. There is NOTHING more frustrating than a big bike breaking off on a head shake. No matter how fast your reflexes are, you can’t work as good as a drag on a reel, so I always upsize the leader line to be safe. Maybe I just suck at working fish hand over hand…
For main line, I have taken a liking to the Woodstock Spectra or Nylon coated, I believe they are 50lb. The thicker line is easier on the hands if you are trying to grip tight on a long run.
January 24, 2018 at 12:30 pm #1747050To the OP, what are your priorities? This may help.
Ex. If I’m targeting walleyes then I use 10# mono or fluoro leader. Yes, I risk a bite off from pike. That’s less important to me than increasing my odds of a walleye.
If I was targeting walleye but couldn’t stand bite offs then MNdrifters #2 setup is it(I use 30# fluoro). If I was targeting pike then his #3 covers it well. In fact, I think I’ll subscribe to his news letter
January 24, 2018 at 12:50 pm #1747054To the OP, what are your priorities? This may help.
I get the trade offs.
I guess I am just trying to avoid break-offs as much as possible, while still allowing the potential for a bigger walleye and medium sized pike. (not just limiting myself to a monster pike)
January 24, 2018 at 1:41 pm #1747074Water clarity will be a big factor too…
In clear water when targeting Walleye I use 10#. with stained water you can get away with a little more. I have found that you can still catch a few Walleye on 20# and have a pretty good hookup % with Pike too.
Anything over 20# i wouldn’t count on being very successful with Walleye.
I also try to cater my hook set to the way the tip up is spinning when i approach it. a slow and steady turn is usually a walleye and pike like to go fast! if it is a pike i usually try to set it a little lighter when i have a lower test line on to try to avoid setting it to hard on the gills.
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