
  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Anyone else suffering?
    I have had it in both ears for years now, constantly sounds like I have Cicada’s in my head.

    I see they are pushing “miracle cures” but it just looks like snake oil. Anybody try these magic elixir’s? I’m getting kinda desperate.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1982

    have had it for years, hearing it now… I have seen nothing that would help.. I’ll be following thread…

    Mr. Pike 81
    NW Iowa
    Posts: 216

    X2 on the Cicadas. I’m following also.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    I ended up getting hearing aids to help with Tinnitus. They do help during the day. They are charging at night so no help there. My understanding is that there are no tests to detect if a person has tinnitus. Your best bet is to see a professional or talk to your primary doctor for a referral.

    If you are a military veteran you may be able to get hearings aids thru the VA for free. The county VA Service officer and helped me through the process. There are lots of videos on YouTube about it. Search on “va tinnitus claim”

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    I’ve had it since I was about 22. The army is loud. My ears started ringing in 2006 and haven’t stopped since. Most of the day I’m used to it but like most will say, it’s when all the noises get turned off at bedtime that it seems the worst, so I’m stuck with needing fairly loud white noise. Every now and then it gets really bad and I have to focus pretty hard to try and think about something else and get to sleep.

    From what I’ve been told there really isn’t a fix, it’s permanent and you just live with it. I would still recommend getting your ears checked out if you haven’t yet. Years after getting tinnitus I got vertigo real bad and it still bothers me some to this day. Vertigo is caused by crystals in your ear canals moving around and possibly entering different canals, which affects your balance. I’ve been trying to get appointments through the VA to see if the two are related. In December I was able to get an appointment for the end of August 2024, so I’ll know more then….

    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    I have had it but getting Covid back in October seems to have made it worse.
    Watching TV or should I say listening to it requires the volume way up and even then, I don’t catch a lot of what’s being said. Being in a bar, restaurant is the same.
    I went to the Doc to see about some of the “long term” Covid effects I’m having and after running all the tests, nothing physically wrong. They are seeing more of this Long Covid crap that could last up to a year and no treatment for it.

    I have a hearing test scheduled for next month. My hearing is bad anyhow combined with the damn sirens I hear is taking its toll.
    Guess it’s time for hearing aids. Should help my hearing and hopefully the ringing too. We’ll see.

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    I’ve had it for so long,I can’t remember not having it. Multiple frequencies. I just started wearing hearing aids, but I don’t think they help much.
    It must be a genetic thing, because my whole family has, even the ones that worked in quiet jobs.
    There are things that make it worse, ansaids, dehydration but it’s still there just not as loud.
    There are tinnitus clinics, but I don’t think they get rid of it. I think they help you tolerate it.

    I think your best bet is to just make peace with the noise.

    Posts: 6631

    I’m with you buddy, had it bad since my early thirties. It’s especially bad in my left ear where I have the hearing of the average 85 year old man. The ringing in my right ear is about half as bad and just as annoying.

    It never stops, never goes away, just 24/7 ringing.

    A few years ago I gave Lipo-Flavonoid a half assed try. I didn’t follow the directions well enough to say if it really would work though (to start it’s like 8 pills a day or something like that).

    At my last DOT physical the lady recommended I try special noise cancelling hearing aids for it, but I haven’t gone that far yet.

    I have a really tough time falling asleep without an audible distraction. I like to listen to ocean waves, forest sounds, rain storms, etc to take away a little from the ringing. Getting smashed helps a lot but that’s obviously not a healthy and sustainable practice lol

    I’m curious to hear more about people that use hearing aids. I’d like to think my insurance would cover a good chunk of them but I have yet to look into it.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3195

    I started wearing hearing aids about 25 years ago due to hearing loss, but the tinnitus was a precursor to my hearing going bad. I’m currently on my fourth hearing aid up-grade and pretty much deaf without them. I think the tinnitus started to wane after the second hearing aid up grade and today with the hearing aids in place the tinnitus is gone. As soon as they come out at night to charge the bell tower starts up. Tinnitus and hearing loss go hand in hand.

    Like the cheater glasses, the miracle ear and other mail order or over the counter hearing assists can help with mild hearing loss and are way less expensive than prescribed hearing aids and may offer some relief to both actual hearing loss and tinnitus if a person wants to try something. The best way to deal with the issue is a doctor.

    John Peterson
    Woodbury, Minnesota
    Posts: 349

    I have had tinnitus since April 2000. Hissing, high pitched noise nearly 100% of the time. Sometimes it is much louder than others. For the first few years I had an annual hearing test which showed minimal hearing loss. A lot of snake oil solutions out there. I wish there was a miracle cure.

    Posts: 516

    I make sure my son wears hearing protection when ever around guns. Hope fully he will be the first not to have this problem in a long line of hunters

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Getting smashed helps a lot but that’s obviously not a healthy and sustainable practice lol

    I can hear the booze delivery truck backing in Matt’s driveway as I type this. toast

    Posts: 435

    I did a lot of shooting when I was young too. The range i can hear is pretty limited. And yet, the human voice range I am fine.

    How much of this can you all hear?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I haver been to an Audiologist. I was given state of the art noise cancelling hearing aids and was explained that you just need to train yourself to get used to it which I am doing and at peace with.
    I can do that without the hearing aids.

    I am a bit worried that some writings say it can cause early stages of dementia and memory loss. That scares me!

    Recently I have been seeing ads with celebs pitching natural ear drops that “cure” tinnitus in a week. Just seeing if anyone has tried them.

    BTW – for sleep, I’ve also tried the “getting smashed” method but that only gets me smashed and I end up watching TV at 3 in the morning. crazy

    Posts: 86

    I have tinnitus for over 30 years and was fitted and have worn hearing aids for the past 5 years. When I was young I didn’t take care of my hearing and as my Dr. said, “Shot guns and rock and roll will do that to you.

    I would highly recommend getting an appointment with an audiologist as hearing aids are a life changer. It is simply amazing how much of a difference the hearing aids make. Quite expensive and insurance doesn’t cover much if anything for the actual hearing aids. I think I paid $5 grand. Today’s technology is great with blue tooth so your phone and tv goes straight to your hearing aids.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18760

    I have tinnitus in my left ear. I finally caved 3 years ago from all the complaining my wife made about me not hearing. Took a hearing test to confirm and I cannot hear sounds from that ear at high frequency. I have a really spendy hearing aide from miracle ear. My health insurance covered 75% of the cost. I took an insurance policy out on it because I’m paranoid about losing it.

    The damage is from firearms. Is shoot right handed so my right ear is covered up when I shoot, but my left ear is exposed. I obviously wear muffs at the range but I need to hear when I hunt.

    If you are a young guy reading this, protect your ears. Once the damage starts, it only gets worse. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

    Posts: 2816

    My dad is a 78 year old nam combat vet and has had it since 1968. He has had hearing aids for years now but not sure how much they help, but I haven’t heard him mention it much for a long time now so maybe they help with it. But now intercoms at department/grocery stores drive him nuts lol so maybe a trade off? One of the biggest things I’ve learned from my dad is that getting old sucks! Lol.

    As a side note, I stupidly fired off a birdshot shell into the ground a few feet away a couple years ago and about blew my own eardrums out. Between that and lots of bird hunting without ear protection, I have developed a “minor(?)” case of tinnitus. Which I feel may have gotten a little better since, or I’ve just gotten more used to it… But like someone else mentioned- the silence can be deafening sometimes!

    Posts: 1277

    Yup. About a year and a half now. 24/7 it never stops. There is NEVER quiet. I hate it. Watching this thread.

    Rick Janssen
    Posts: 342

    I do NOT have it, but I know many others in my entire family that have it bad. Both my wife and BIL have it bad. Many of use (including me) have earing aids due to hearing loss. Family members say the hearing aids have “helped” but again, the night time is bad. Wife sleeps with noise machine going and that helps her. Now hear comes some “snake oil” stuff. I personally know 5 people that have gotten the ear piercing thing and that has actually worked. It is piercing a bit deeper in the ear on an acupuncture point. One younger guy I know is a roofer and his tinnitus was so bad that it was also starting to give him vertigo (not good for a roofer). He did the piercing thing about 10 years ago and he swears by it. I admit this is a small sample and I am guessing there are others that have done it and it did not work. Might want to do some research on that and give it a try before the expensive hearing aids. Now on the hearing aid note. For all of you out there with bad hearing, get some hearing aids and stick with them. I got my first pair when I was 52(shooting and playing in a band) and over the years the aids have gotten so much better. I went by the theory that WHY go through life not being able to hear. I did not stop getting glasses when I could not see. Plus hearing loss is a big cause of dementia so just DO IT.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    Glad to see I’m not alone. years of abuse for sure.
    When I’m by myself or someplace quiet it sounds like midnite in the summer with the crickets and all the other noise – sucks

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18760

    I did not stop getting glasses when I could not see.

    Valid point, but there is an actual solution to vision loss. Go see a specialist at a laser corrective eye treatment facility and have it fixed, permanently. I did it in 2006. No more glasses or contacts forever. One of the better medical decisions I’ve ever made.

    I’m not aware of any solution to hearing loss that reverses the issue. What you can do is get your ears deep cleaned when you see an audiologist. Sometimes there is a lot of wax and other buildup in there that can be removed too.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987


    Here is an interesting test although I dont know the normal range for a person.

    Posts: 277

    Im a product of the 80’s graduating in 89 so I was a metal head/rock junkie and blew my ears with concerts, loud music, etc. Now, you would think I ran heavy machinery my whole life as I am half deaf and ears ring all the time.
    If I could only go back, I wouldn’t have called a guy names for having ear plugs in as RJD or whatever show I was at was rocking out!

    Posts: 1695

    I’m curious, are any of the covid or vaccine induced tinnitus sufferers here nicotine users?

    Dr. Ardis swears that smokers did not get tinnitus during covid or the vaccines, and that thousands have been cured by using low dose nicotine patches.

    If you’ve killed the cilia hairs inside your inner ear from noise exposure, those won’t regenerate.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    I’m curious, are any of the covid or vaccine induced tinnitus sufferers here nicotine users?

    Dr. Ardis swears that smokers did not get tinnitus during covid or the vaccines, and that thousands have been cured by using low dose nicotine patches.

    I got covid, vaccine and am a light smoker. Like my earlier post, I think the ringing actually got worse after it.

    I don’t remember if the ringing was bad when I had Covid. Probably felt too shitty to care.

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    The acupuncture thing is a new one for me, never heard of that before.
    It does make some sense in that tinnitus is a nerve issue, not so much a hearing issue.
    I’ve just learned to make peace with it, much the way you except terrible things that you can’t change.
    I can’t un do mutilating my right hand, bring my wife or favorite nephew back from the dead.
    And I can’t make the ringing stop.
    So I just have to get over it.

    Posts: 6631

    I’m making an acupuncture appointment.

    Thanks for the suggestion Rick

    I did a little research and it sounds like it works for a lot of people.

    Here’s a link to a 2018 double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial that showed very positive results:


    SE MN
    Posts: 1503

    Hope it works and let us know how you come out.
    Looks like a bunch of guys in this thread would be happier than a pig in a pile of poop if it does.

    Rick said piercing the inner ear.
    That’s not quite acupuncture and would be permanent?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    I’m making an acupuncture appointment.

    Not related to tinnitus, but after fighting a back injury for 9 months with no improvement, I finally gave in to the suggestion to try acupuncture.

    Understanding that I’d always thought acupuncture was some kind of hippy-dippy wu wu that only worked if you believed it would. And I had zero belief that it would.

    So to my absolute surprise, 10 minutes and 4 needles later, I stood up and the back pain was gone for the first time in 9 months. It was freaking weird, but whatever it’s not going to work for everyone/everything but there’s certainly something to it, I’ll tell you that

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>B-man wrote:</div>
    I’m making an acupuncture appointment.

    Not related to tinnitus, but after fighting a back injury for 9 months with no improvement, I finally gave in to the suggestion to try acupuncture.

    Understanding that I’d always thought acupuncture was some kind of hippy-dippy wu wu that only worked if you believed it would. And I had zero belief that it would.

    So to my absolute surprise, 10 minutes and 4 needles later, I stood up and the back pain was gone for the first time in 9 months. It was freaking weird, but whatever it’s not going to work for everyone/everything but there’s certainly something to it, I’ll tell you that

    Did the the relief last?

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