Time to fix the yard, Question

  • hottoddytipup
    Posts: 111

    Anyone know where I can get a few bales of straw close to the cities? Have a truck so I can haul.

    Need something to put over grass seed. If you have any other suggestion for grass seed cover I am all ears.

    Thanks guys

    Posts: 4428

    Farm on Hwy 10 just past SBC on south side has bails. I need to seed also and have decided to wait till fall as the grow rate is low in the spring. I watch lots of info videos and they say if you can wait till fall.

    Posts: 111

    I think fall is the way to go too. I have a leaf issue so it would make it difficult.

    Thanks I will check those places out.

    Posts: 5011

    Don’t use unrefined straw or hay. It contains seeds that will just ruin your new lawn. In reality there is no need to put anything over the seed. Spread the seed over loose dirt (may need to spread dirt beforehand) then lightly rake the seeds into the dirt and water.

    Look up Ryan Knorr Lawn Care on YouTube for more info. He’s very anal about lawn but does a great job explaining everything. He’s from Northern Iowa so the climate is similar as well.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4157

    Lowes in Dubuque ,IA usually has wheat straw in the spring by the bale. Maybe all Lowes carry it??

    Posts: 4791

    Any straw will work and if you have loose dirt rake the seed in if possible and water as much as needed. My father owns a lawncare business and he prefers straw the best but if you can’t get that then rake it into the dirt and keep it moist. If your worried about other seeds growing not a big deal if you spray your lawn in spring/fall.

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