Hello all,
I need a opinions and a tie breaker.
I have posted about a skid house on Mille Lacs in an earlier post. My better half wants a wheelhouse. I like a skid house on ML.
I am all for a wheelhouse. But I am worried about seasons of deep snow, slush and late ice. Having a season of deep snow really limits having a wheelhouse.
We would use the house a few times in the summer.
The skid would be kept on ML at a resort. The resort we are looking at does not allow summer use.
I am not sure about spending money on a wheelhouse based on MN winter’s unpredictably.
We had a wheelhouse until a few years ago and sold it because it was too small and uncomfortable to spend a weekend in.
The skid would be a 10×16.
The wheelhouse would be a 8×17.
Any opinions would we welcome.
Thank you