I tried a new to me method this year for a fall food plot. In the spring I planted winter rye in this plot at home. It grew to about 16-18″ and nice and thick and really kept the weeds at bay, which is part of the reason I did it. I had a real issue with red root pigweed in this plot last year and it is glyphosate resistant. Rye is allelopathic, which means it inhibits germination of weed seeds. It definitely works.
On July 10th I spread brassica( radish, rape) into the standing rye, rolled it with the cultipacker and then sprayed it with gly. The result is dead rye thatch covering the brassica seed keeping the moisture in and continuing to keep the weeds at bay. The brassica is just starting to come up now, mostly in the center of the plot. I also tried this in 2 plots at the farm were we have sandy soil. I am hoping for big success with it up there. I don’t have any pics from the farm, but here is the plot at home.