Throphy strike 120v or strike master 40v?

  • Devin Glefhill
    Posts: 1

    I’m in the market for a new auger and wondering what ppls thoughts are on these 2 and how they compare to each other

    Posts: 19

    This year I pulled the trigger on the 40v Strikemaster and have no regrets. So much easier than the old gas auger. I would absolutely recommend it to you. As for the Trophy Strike, I have not seen or used one yet. Looks like they are around the same price point so I would go to a store and see the augers differences and choose one you like.

    Either way battery seems to be the way to go these days.

    Posts: 14

    Just bought the strikemaster 40v this season and im very impressed so far. I was skeptical about electric for the longest time. Never tried trophy strike before but you definitely cant go wrong with the strikemaster!

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