Thread review request

  • Captain Live2fish
    Hayfield, MN
    Posts: 120

    Is there anyway the the thread could be reversed so most recent response is first to read. Other way you have to scroll thru it all. Just asking

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    waytogo waytogo I think is a good idea also.

    Posts: 5126

    Ugh, that sounds like a headache waiting to happen. Then you’d have to scroll up after each post. The confusion would be enormous.

    This forum just needs to be updated and fixed to automatically scroll you to your first unread post. Makes one think that this website has been forgotten about and left to its own devices.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    just click on this, and it will take you to the last post.


    1. IDO-thread.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Yes what HRG said.

    Putting newest first would be terrible. Great way for the majority of responses to go unread if you read it that way. And previous responses often make zero sense without the context of the earlier posts.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Thanks HRG, I didn’t know that.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    It’s not a matter of whether it could be changed, or how difficult it would be. Nevermind the the Jquery or the Kquery or the DOM or the SOB. It’s just a bad idea. There’s nothing to fix.

    Some threads here go on for 5+ pages. If you read only the most recent post or two, you’re missing the entire discussion and more than likely your response is going to be useless because somebody already said the same thing 2 pages back.

    If you can’t be bothered to read a thread before posting then basically you just wanna say what you wanna say and you need a place to say it. We need less of that, not more.

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    pool2fool – did mean to hit nerve. With my professional opinion threads/forums are done both ways. I get your argument. The reply was deleted.

    Gone Fishing
    Posts: 54

    *didn’t mean to hit a nerve. (typo fix)

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    You guys actually read the replies before responding?? bow

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    You guys actually read the replies before responding?? bow

    i’m starting to think i’m the only one. reading is the best. yay

    pool2fool – did mean to hit nerve. With my professional opinion threads/forums are done both ways. I get your argument. The reply was deleted.

    It’s cool, I’m fiiiine. No nerve hit, I just see this happen all the time when someone obviously hasn’t taken the time to read previous replies before hammering their diatribe out.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Thanks HRG, I didn’t know that.

    I second that, very helpful, thanks!! waytogo

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