Not sure how many of you saw that the debt Fairness act was signed by Waltz and goes into effect on Oct. 1st. I’m not totally sure how I feel about this act. It now makes its so that:
Past Due medical bills can no longer be reported to credit Bureau’s and has 0 effect on Credit ratings.
A spouse is no longer liable for their spouse’s medical expenses.
A medical provider can no longer withhold medical care for those with past unpaid medical expenses.
I see this causing many from not even bothering to find and pay for medical insurance, or simply not even bothering to try and pay for medical care expenses. In turn this will just allow medical care to now just charge even more for medical care for those who have medical insurance to cover for those who don’t. This once again just causes those who are working and paying for their medical coverage to just have to pay for those who can’t or in some cases just won’t work. I just don’t see how this will end up well in the end. Its going to get to a point when those working and paying for those who are not will simply give it and stop working as well.
On the other hand I don’t think anyone should be refused medical care because they don’t have the means to pay. I also don’t think someone should need to have to spend the rest of their life trying to pay off medical bills that were way over priced in the 1st place.
Like I said, I’m not totally sure where I stand on this one.