This winter just drags on

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24668

    I ordered a new snowmobile for next year, so it will be a warm, low snow kind of year. I thought I would do my part and take one for the team to help so many here that hate winters. If anyone wants no snow at all, and want to kick in some cash for a new snow plow I was looking at. My venmo account is grin

    Hopefully you get it in time and its complete. Many people had massive issues this year. Sleds without gauges, etc. Some still havent received their 22’s they ordered.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8983

    Great point about the wind.

    I am sure there’s data out there if you dig far enough, but the last few years have overall seemed substantially windier than I ever remember. We’ve had both the big wind events, along with countless days of 15-20mph wind in all seasons. If I could lock in wind year round between 5-10mph with one calm day every 10 days or so, that might be my first weather wish before anything related to temperatures.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    “I don’t embrace excuses I embrace solutions” John taffer
    I have many friends like you with unlimited excuses. So far 18 years of excuses while I have 18 years of great experiences. You choose everything in your life. If you make different choices you can make anything happen. I make plenty of sacrifices to make it happen but I make it happen. I have a job, a family, and a house also.
    Don’t wait until your to old to enjoy your life.

    There’s absolutely no way we could make this work. We both work full time jobs in the metro. No working from home or afar for us. 2 kids in school like gimruis said 1 week yes, 4 weeks, not even a chance. Not called excuses. It’s call life and reality. But not going to lie. I hate the sun and heat, my vacation spots are usually colder

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    You may disagree, but Pat makes some good points. Particularly about not waiting until you are old to enjoy life. Seen it too many times.

    Yes, having kids can’t take them out of school for a month. But if it’s a priority then take a week off on the front or back side of their Spring break for extra time. Some schools would probably allow remote learning for a short time too.

    For those saying you don’t like hot, muggy, and buggy. You are picturing a MN summer. I don’t like it either. Going south for winter is none of those things… it’s just nice.

    Posts: 24668

    I want to know what profession people are in that they are allowed to take a month off of work? That certainly wouldnt fly with my company. Its hard enough to use all my PTO in a year, let alone weeks at a time.

    Posts: 1166

    I am fine until the end of January. January is all about the excitement of getting started ice fishing. By end of Feb, I am completely done with winter. This year, with our late ice, you couldn’t even go for a walk outside even if you wanted to for a long time early March. I felt trapped.

    I remember very well the hot summer last year. It was sunny and hot every day for months. I remember by fall being ready for a change. So I know that’s not ideal either.

    And I know this winter probably felt worse since we had such a mild one last year. The weird thing about this winter is that, at least down in the Cities, we didn’t get many big snowfalls. It was more an inch or two here and there. So there wasn’t even many big snows to get excited about. Just a constant fresh coating of snow.

    I’ve thought about getting a wheelhouse, with the thought that I’d at least get out ice fishing more with the added comfort. But I fear that I wouldn’t end up going any more or if I did, I’d still be tired of winter.

    Dunno. Got to do something different next year.

    Posts: 9227

    Seriously the only people that can do every winter are retired. I can’t think of a single person in my life that would be able to do that other than retired folk.

    I think every single person here including me would love to do it. That’s not reality though. The logistics simply don’t add up. I can’t take my kid out of school for a freaking month to go saltwater fishing every day. A week, yes. A month, no. 6 weeks, impossible.

    This was my first reaction too. But with how mainstream working remotely and homeschooling/remote learning has become it’s absolutely doable even with a job and young family. It’s going to take sacrifices and life decisions that 99% of us don’t make, but it’s certainly not impossible.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    It’s inevitable that when I decide to get my boat the cold whether comes back.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    It’s inevitable that when I decide to get my boat the cold whether comes back.

    Well get that thing on the water and enjoy the cold

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Agree with pat. Everything you do in life is a choice. My friend owns a house in Puerto Rico. Takes his young kids out of school for 6 weeks at a time. Figures the learning experiences they get down there far outweigh what they gain in the classroom.

    As pat mentioned everything you do in life is a choice. Choices come with consequences and some of those you may not be willing to accept, bit it’s a choice nonetheless.

    As to this winter I agree it’s dragging on. I’d rather it was zero and snowy again over thus 35 and windy crap. I’ve always been one of those proud to be MN boys and flourish in the cold. I do still enjoy winters but I like the idea of escaping later in the season

    “There is no such thing as can’t there is only not willing to” -crappie55369

    Posts: 3403

    Yeah I know polaris cut the amount of sleds they are selling so hopefully it isn’t the same next year. I know ski doo had issues with gauges. I am not selling my current snowmobile until I get the call the new one is in.

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mojogunter wrote:</div>
    I ordered a new snowmobile for next year, so it will be a warm, low snow kind of year. I thought I would do my part and take one for the team to help so many here that hate winters. If anyone wants no snow at all, and want to kick in some cash for a new snow plow I was looking at. My venmo account is grin

    Hopefully you get it in time and its complete. Many people had massive issues this year. Sleds without gauges, etc. Some still havent received their 22’s they ordered.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1428

    If you don’t have winter hobbies winter will always drag on. Bought a snowmobile and now I am always saying winter went by way to quickly. The only part of the year I don’t care for now is early spring. Everything is muddy not enough ice to fish, rain and wind all the time. But it only last a couple of weeks. When I get too old and can’t handle the cold maybe things will change. Makes a man out of you to struggle once and awhile.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 734

    Here’s our lovely spring morning here on top of the hill in Duluth…….
    And that small mountain in the background is a snow pile lol.

    1. 9E5818F0-FDFE-440B-B084-481E3C60DAE9-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 2918

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>ThunderLund78 wrote:</div>
    Heading to Ft Myers Beach in less than two weeks. Can’t wait.

    Nothing like sitting around all winter waiting for spring, then planning a trip to florida once spring finally arrives here rotflol

    Well, hands were kinda tied as we had to wait for our kids’ spring break. And the long range forecast shows temps in the 40s. I’ll take 80’s over that – I see it as a head-start on summer and a reward for not only getting through a long winter but also what amounted to about 6 weeks of semi-isolation as COVID swept through our house. I say bring on Palm Trees, Sun, Sand and Salt Water Fishing!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 254

    Nothing like sitting around all winter waiting for spring, then planning a trip to florida once spring finally arrives here rotflol

    Spring arrived? It may have had a layover for a brief 48 hour period but I’m not seeing spring anytime soon…..

    The winter grind continues….

    Posts: 3696

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>MnPat1 wrote:</div>
    I would recommend taking a month off and go somewhere warm and have fun.

    I think almost all of us would like to do something like that every winter, but the reality is that its not possible. We have jobs. We have families. We have homes. Can’t just pick up and leave for a month.

    Agree… if you have kids in school you need to stay put. But once they become adults and move on, and now post-Covid many jobs are remote/hybrid, I’m in favor of getting out… on board with living life to its fullest. Not staring out the window for 2/3 of the year bored, freezing. I got out 2 months this winter and am planning 3 months next year. But I waited until the family/job situation made sense.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    Agree… if you have kids in school you need to stay put. But once they become adults and move on, and now post-Covid many jobs are remote/hybrid, I’m in favor of getting out

    I year ya. Maybe the solution is to just avoid having kids! smash

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>FryDog62 wrote:</div>
    Agree… if you have kids in school you need to stay put. But once they become adults and move on, and now post-Covid many jobs are remote/hybrid, I’m in favor of getting out

    I year ya. Maybe the solution is to just avoid having kids! smash

    Those damn kids ruin all the fun. Jk.
    I’d rather do 6 1 week vacations to different places then 1 6 week vacation. But that’s just me. Concrete doesn’t pour or cut itself. So if I’m not doing it then I’m not making money. I’m also not a Florida kinda guy. Never enjoyed it. Many better places to go. I’d rather go wheeling in Utah for a week

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18794

    I’d rather do 6 1 week vacations to different places then 1 6 week vacation.

    Same. I’d also rather take a day off every week than a week off at a time. It spreads out the fun rather than bunching it all together and greatly improves the chances of timing a better bite. If you go all season once or twice a week, at some point you’re going to have some really good fishing whereas if you take a week off at a time, you might not.

    Probably has a lot to do with personal preference and whether or not you have access to lakes/rivers near where you live too. We’re lucky to have great fishing nearby in almost every part of the state.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12569

    Like some others here, as I get older the more I dislike Minnesota Winters. I do a fair amount of ice fishing but that is because its a way to pass time till open water season again. I never thought I would be one of those people who would become a snow bird and head someplace warmer for the winter months, but can now see myself doing so. Each winter my seasonal affected disorder seems to kick in sooner than it did the previous year.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 1025

    For those that live out in the country and assuming you have a septic and pole barns and such. Do you have someone check on your place every now and then when you are gone for months at a time? I guess I’m just a chicken sh*t to leave my place unattended worrying about the septic freezing, pipes freezing or pole barn/house getting broken into, etc. Plus we have chickens so that would be another obstacle to overcome..

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    It has nothing to do with being tough. And winter activities only go so far. I ice fish a bunch, downhill ski, ice skate with the kids, sled, 4 wheel, etc, etc. We were up at Giants Ridge over New Years when it was -33. I had a big bonfire outside and grilled a couple monster steaks over charcoal.

    I like winter, I don’t like the length of it. Salt covered roads, filthy trucks, subzero temps, gray skies, dry pale skin, lack of sun and vitamin D.

    Yeah, I’ll take turquoise water, white sand, and hard fighting ocean fish as much as I can during winter. Glad not everyone thinks the same way or it would be too crowded down there, lol

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