We’re taking the whole fam damily down to the New Spam Museum in Austin, MN.
We pushed it back a week because of an unexpected hospital visit by the Favorite Daughter.
Say the word “Super Spamman” and get in free!
Ok I’ll bust myself, it’s free admission anytime.
SPAM Museum
Address: 101 3rd Ave. NE, Austin, MN
Directions: Downtown, at the corner of Main St. N. and 3rd Ave. NE.
Hours: M-Sa 10-6, Su 12-5
Admission: Free
Roadside America Rating: 4 out of 5 for Major Fun
“Spambassadors” roam the floor of the SPAM Museum, acting as guides (One from each shift is solely responsible for heating SPAM and serving it to visitors on toothpicks).
A towering wall of SPAM, made of 3,390 cans, rises to the ceiling in the lobby.
Why 3390 cans you ask? ‘Cause that’s all that would fit!
Visitors are encouraged to try their hand at canning SPAM along a mock assembly line. Our first attempt took 33 seconds; our second 19. A tabulator showed that Hormel’s robots would have churned out several hundred SPAM cans in that time.
There are countless bins of SPAM-branded beverage koozies, tennis balls, and glow-in-the-dark boxer shorts in the gift shop, but the only edible product that’s purchasable at the SPAM Museum is SPAM — all 12 varieties, plus vacuum-packed slices that are reportedly popular with meat-craving hunters and fishers.
Hope to see you there about 11 am Saturday!