Thinking of ice camping LOTW. Need help.

  • AK Guy
    Posts: 1562

    I’ve rented fish houses many times on LOTW. This time I’m looking for a different adventure and would like to drive out and ice camp in my hub house. I’m looking for any help about where to go and what to expect. In particular, do the resorts have plowed areas designated for DIYers? Thanks in advance.

    Posts: 4800

    Adrians, wigwam, zipple bay and there are others that have plowed roads. They charge you per day and basically just drive out and pick a spot where you want to fish off the road. They usually have chutes plowed off the main roads where you can park and set up. I’ve never been on a road where they had different areas for different type of people fishing. Basically just go wherever you want and set up in an open spot. When you pay the resort at there office they will normally give you a map of the plowed areas and give you some direction

    Posts: 2853

    AK if your thinking of ice camping your correct,you need help.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1562

    AK if your thinking of ice camping your correct,you need help.

    Ha! I’ve got an old wheelhouse, and a hub, but I just want to do something different and be challenged. In other words, to step out of my comfort zone. Lake of the Woods this winter, Fort Peck next winter (if all goes well).

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I love ice camping. Report back on how it goes

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    We go up and set up camp in a shallower area for the overnight bite, and early morning bite. We leave the truck with camp and go run on sleds with tow behinds all day long.
    I really enjoy just roughing it on the ice, which isn’t really roughing it at all. I spend the nights in my otter resort hub. We don’t need much for a fishing weekend. A good cot and sleeping bag is key to comfort. And I started using the puzzle floor pieces last year and they are sweet. If your setting up and staying put, just go to where ever you want or can get to safely.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    I would do same as Bearcat, set up in the shallows. I wouldn’t be afraid to fish shallow all day long either. Had some good days out there in the shallow water. You’re going to catch mainly eyes instead of the small sauger. May not get the numbers but quality is going to be better.

    AK Guy
    Posts: 1562

    I would do same as Bearcat, set up in the shallows. I wouldn’t be afraid to fish shallow all day long either. Had some good days out there in the shallow water. You’re going to catch mainly eyes instead of the small sauger. May not get the numbers but quality is going to be better.

    What do you consider shallow water?

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1520

    10-20’ like the break a long the North side of pine island and areas similar to that before it transitions to mud. Could at least fish those areas prime times/overnight and hit the deep stuff during the day.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>weedis wrote:</div>
    I would do same as Bearcat, set up in the shallows. I wouldn’t be afraid to fish shallow all day long either. Had some good days out there in the shallow water. You’re going to catch mainly eyes instead of the small sauger. May not get the numbers but quality is going to be better.

    What do you consider shallow water?

    8 to 12 ft.
    Then in the day we stay around 20 or less. We try to avoid 100 fish days when they are 12 inch sauger. We chase bigger fish and it always pays off to stay away from day houses.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I would do same as Bearcat, set up in the shallows. I wouldn’t be afraid to fish shallow all day long either. Had some good days out there in the shallow water. You’re going to catch mainly eyes instead of the small sauger. May not get the numbers but quality is going to be better.

    I didn’t read this before my last comment. I 100 percent agree.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Agree 100% with these guys above.

    I’ve never ice camped it, but we have done both day house packages and went up with a buddy’s
    wheelhouse a few times. We quickly learned that if you are out there overnight, there are fish to be had but not in deep water.

    The first year I went we did day houses out of Sportsmans. We did fine on numbers but the biggest fish in 3 days might have been 17″. It was frustrating to have no control over the “when” of getting to your house and leaving it in the afternoon.

    The next year we took a wheelhouse and set it in the typical plowed spots right off Adrian’s road and caught fish in deep water. For every 20 fish caught one would be 14-15″. Catching 60-70 a day was probably the norm with 5:1 being saugers.

    The third year with the same group we set his wheelhouse in 14′ of water. As soon as the sun was well above the horizon we jumped in the side by sides and headed out to 23-24′ and sifted through some dinks to get a bucket of 15″ fish. At night we didn’t catch many, but a handful of 5-7# fish most nights between 4 guys and maybe a stray eater or two. Keep in mind we weren’t “fishing hard” at night rather drinking and playing cards first and foremost.

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