Thinking about the AIM season ticket…

  • Dustin Tichy
    Posts: 112

    Hey guys and gals! Long time no post.
    I am thinking about doing the MN AIM season of tournaments this year. My question might be an easy answer, hope it is.. I can not find it on the AIM site.
    If I buy the season pass, which goes on sale this week, I understand that I get into the 4 events. But the price also includes the buy in for the Championship, right?
    4 events @ $350 plus Championship @ $500 = $1,900 (which is the price of the season ticket)
    If I do not qualify for the Championship, do I get the $500 bucks back?
    Just curious how this all works out before I drop the cash and start planning weekends and some prefishing.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17530

    Contact AIM.

    Dustin Tichy
    Posts: 112

    I tried the FB messenger for AIM with no results. If I don’t get any feedback I will just try calling or texting Denny. Just thought this may be an easy answer that others here might know. I am guessing I am not the only one who has had this question.

    Dustin Tichy
    Posts: 112

    Just an update if any else is interested.
    I called Denny Fox and the way the season pass works:
    If you fish three of the 4 events you are automatically in the Championship.
    Fish On!

    Posts: 13050

    Have fun good series with some good sticks and good people. Fished it a few years when I had more time.

    Dustin Tichy
    Posts: 112

    Well, I pulled the trigger and the AIM series of tournaments is a go for me this year. Pretty stoked! I did the NWT last year as a Co for the whole series and that was amazing! This will be a new challenge as I will be in control and ultimately will be cheaper in the long run staying in Minnesota.
    If others reading are fishing it as well, see you out there! Can’t miss me, in an orange and silver Warrior 2090.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Dunno if you got your question answered, but to qualify for the championship you just have to sign up for 3 regular season events. So by doing the season ticket you’re automatically qualified. The season ticket is for the state championship not nationals. Your 3 best points Totals from regular season events and the total from the 2 day state championship determine if you qualify for nationals. The top 5 teams in each division will qualify for nationals.
    Any questions feel free to ask

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    Biggest tips I can give you on aim…have the same person always taking the photos and recording length and the same person holding the fish for each photo reguardless of who catches it. It will make the process a lot faster.
    Carry an umbrella in the boat to shade the ruler on sunny days.
    Bring a backup camera
    Watch the Aim video on proper photos a few times

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