Thin Ice?

  • iakid52
    Cedar Rapids, IA.
    Posts: 14

    The son and I are planning a weekend trip to the Dodgeville WS. area Feb. 6 – 8. We have had a good Jan. thaw taking place the recently in NE IA, Southern MN, and Southern WS. We are wondering if anyone out there can fill us in on ice conditions in South Central and South West WS. We have two weeks to go before our fishing weekend rolls around and we are praying we won’t get dorked by poor ice conditions.

    Travis Halverson
    Posts: 11

    10-13 inches on all the lakes around dodgeville wi blackhawk had there fishery this weekend. Governor dodge has about that as well

    Cedar Rapids, IA.
    Posts: 14

    Appreciate the ice news. We are looking forward to hitting some area lakes in the Dville/Mineral Pt. area in a week and a half. Not familiar with that neck of the woods at all. Any one lake better than another?

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    There was 12+ inches on Lake Wisconsin Sunday. There were snowmobiles and even a truck on the ice. I found crap ice on a Wisconsin River slough the day before. Depends where your at. I think if you stick to the lakes you’ll be fine.

    Cedar Rapids, IA.
    Posts: 14

    Good news. Thanks

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