They’re going to be busy in St. Paul this year

  • mahtofire14
    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I hope that is not where you get your news info from. I like his podcast btw. toast

    Definitely not, but that guy is a huge pothead so I figured it was probably correct. And I have heard that from a few other news outlets. I don’t know where Reef got those numbers either, but they certainly could be right. I also wonder if those are edibles or actual marijuana (plant form).

    Posts: 12717

    That’s just tax revenue by state. Either way edible or flower they are taxed the same.
    Hell we did not even tax edibles last year. Not sure if that changed after the first or not.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3168

    Hell we did not even tax edibles last year. Not sure if that changed after the first or not.

    No, the current quasi-legalization is a joke and snuck through (sorry, can’t find one without music):

    HF600 that the house passed in 2021 was very comprehensive but was blocked by senate. They are revising that it’s HF100 this year. It will be 8% tax I believe.

    Posts: 87

    The FamousGrouse speaks the truth. Even those sponsoring the bill in Minnesota say its not going to make money due to the cost of administration.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21939

    The FamousGrouse speaks the truth. Even those sponsoring the bill in Minnesota say its not going to make money due to the cost of administration.

    So they won’t make any money at all ? And that means they shouldn’t legalize it. I think they make profit off it.

    Posts: 12717

    Hate to say it but it’s already legalized. Why not tax it.

    Pfft won’t make money.

    Doesn’t take millions for administration.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8945

    I haven’t really turned on news or followed any of the state legislature talk lately…are there rumblings of giving any of this back directly to taxpayers???

    Posts: 3319

    These will be like most government programs.

    They will fix it till it’s broke!!!! doah

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    I haven’t really turned on news or followed any of the state legislature talk lately…are there rumblings of giving any of this back directly to taxpayers???

    That’s what Walz was saying right up to election day, then Crickets.

    Posts: 1806

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buckybadger wrote:</div>
    I haven’t really turned on news or followed any of the state legislature talk lately…are there rumblings of giving any of this back directly to taxpayers???

    That’s what Walz was saying right up to election day, then Crickets.

    He was pushing for refund checks in the last legislative session but the GOP were against it because of the upcoming election, calling it “election-year desperation”. Walz has again expressed being in favor of refund checks, and now the GOP is expressing interest in it as well. There’s probably a pretty good chance that some refunds will happen. The amounts and qualifying income levels will probably be debated.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22889

    For those who don’t use cash.. if you want to help your local economy, use Ca$h every time you can. The restaurant, quick stop store, grocery store and everywhere else you use your CC or cash app, pay a “fee” for not using cash. Also, all the electronic money, the government knows exactly your balance, you cannot “stuff it in a mattress” for a rainy day, without them knowing anymore. I couldn’t care less about legalizing pot or gambling, it’s no worse than other “bad habits” people have.

    Posts: 24542

    Screw the using cash thing. Any reputable business already figures that into their inflated prices anyway. Cash is such a PITA and even worse someone who writes out a check.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22889

    Screw the using cash thing. Any reputable business already figures that into their inflated prices anyway..

    Point proven waytogo That’s why some places have a discount if using ca$h

    Posts: 24542

    Point proven That’s why some places have a discount if using ca$h

    Very few places I frequent offer discounts. They only upcharge if using AMerican Express.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4081

    Good point Musky. And it’s not necessarily a “fee” for not using cash, it’s fees the credit card companies charge. When my wife’s family ran a business, if I remember correctly, a lot of CC companies would charge a fee for the swipe (maybe 50 cents) and then take a percentage of the sale (maybe 2%). When you think of those fees, plus all the interest and other charges they get, it’s no wonder a lot of them can offer great rewards and also sponsor major bowl games and other sporting events.

    When I book at a resort up north it seems common that they’ll tell you transparently that they’ll add a charge if you pay by card, so I always send a check.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    not to be the odd one here but when i was an active union thug and this first started being brought up i had discussions with all 7 of the HR people in the companies i dealt with, legal or not i believe the company still has the right to include Mary Jane in there drug policies as an illegal substance. not sure if thats gonna change!!!! i know i sure as heck dont want to be working with someone who is high. in the work envoroment i worked in it was dangerous enough being straight up !!!!

    and cant you still get busted if your driving????

    personally i could care less one way or the other…i hate the stuff. and the government saying there not gonna make any money……. rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Posts: 24542

    Legal or not I dont think will make any difference as to whether someone is high on the job. If they are gonna smoke weed they will do so regardless. IMO I tell you what some of those OTC gummies that are completely legal are strong as hell. My wife bought some in TX last summer and she was high as a kite off a couple. Gotta be careful if they are synthetic because they are super strong.

    Posts: 12717

    Of course companies can make rules of not being high on the job. No different than you can’t be drunk at your job.
    Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it can’t be regulated. Just like booze if you are irresponsible it will get you in trouble.

    Posts: 12717

    Legal or not I dont think will make any difference as to whether someone is high on the job. If they are gonna smoke weed they will do so regardless. IMO I tell you what some of those OTC gummies that are completely legal are strong as hell. My wife bought some in TX last summer and she was high as a kite off a couple. Gotta be careful if they are synthetic because they are super strong.

    They are not candy. May want to start with one. rotflol

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Legal or not I dont think will make any difference as to whether someone is high on the job. If they are gonna smoke weed they will do so regardless. IMO I tell you what some of those OTC gummies that are completely legal are strong as hell. My wife bought some in TX last summer and she was high as a kite off a couple. Gotta be careful if they are synthetic because they are super strong.

    i agree with the fact if there gonna smoke it there gonna….

    but if they get caught………they do risk there job. in Minnesota they cant terminate on the first offense, get busted again after that your toast. some policies have 1 or 2 year random after the first test……some places have random…..hope they get lucky. wisconsin they can terminate the first time. so it depends on how well you like your job i guess!!!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    and she was high as a kite off a couple

    Lol and I’m sure you took advantage too. devil

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21939

    I must be the odd one out. I like cash. Cash is king.

    Posts: 24542

    I must be the odd one out. I like cash. Cash is king.

    I only use cash for pulltabs. My winnings paid for my new topper.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    I must be the odd one out. I like cash. Cash is king.

    I only use cash for pulltabs. My winnings paid for my new topper.

    LOL, me 2!!!
    But I use my winnings to buy mo pull tabs. doah

    Posts: 12717

    I must be the odd one out. I like cash. Cash is king.

    I get free cash when using a card.

    Especially when gambling on sports and buying the reefer.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12416

    Legalized Gambling in MN is supported by 48% of Minnesotans, opposed by 33% and 19% are indifferent/unsure. I couldn’t find a state specific poll for MJ, but nationally 67% support recreational legalization and 32% oppose. These are pretty overwhelming #’s, good luck finding many other issues 67% of the constituency supports or is at least not opposed to, yet the politicians still can’t or won’t do something on gambling in MN or MJ nationally. Proving once again how worthless politicians (from both parties) are. Hopefully Gov Walz and the trifecta can get something done on MJ here, as critical as I have been of him I would give him credit for that. I don’t really see any argument against it, especially at this point since it’s quasi-legal already.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22889

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    I must be the odd one out. I like cash. Cash is king.

    I get free cash when using a card.

    Especially when gambling on sports and buying the reefer.

    Its actually your own cash your getting back… You use your card, you pay inflated price the merchant figures in… because your card charges the merchant a fee for card use and a %… average about 3%.. they give you back 1 or 2% of what you spent… of your own money. But I suspect you know this already… some people do not know.

    Posts: 12717

    If I pay cash I am paying the same price. I don’t shop anywhere that offers a discount for cash. I would if they did.

    Posts: 2224

    The difference between alcohol and weed use while driving or which results in an accident (job or driving) is the ability to test almost immediately a persons blood alcohol content. You get a measurable value vs. appears impaired because they could not “walk the line”.

    Too my knowledge you can test urine or hair for THC use, but not active impaired concentration.

    Sure most of you do not want to be hurt on the road or at work because someone cannot understand when to use recreational alcohol or drugs.

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