They’re going to be busy in St. Paul this year

  • gizmoguy
    Posts: 756

    This is not correct. I just got back from Illinois, the lines were out and around the building every day. And I could also get some from the guy at the bar, the quality was 10x better with the legal. 100 percent worth the extra few bucks. It shows in the numbers. Just look it up.

    I don’t know how comfortable I would be in that line knowing everybody has a bunch of cash on them.

    Posts: 2224

    I am pretty conservative on most issues especially government finance, but I completely agree on decriminalizing possession of marijuana and associated paraphernalia.

    Legalization – I suppose why not.

    That said, there has to be away to detect marijuana use while working and driving.

    If I am an employer should I be responsible for injuries to employees that are high or employees hurt by someone high ?

    If I am driving down the road, if someone high causes an accident or even drives erratically. Same set of rules as some one driving under the influence of alcohol.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21937

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    This is not correct. I just got back from Illinois, the lines were out and around the building every day. And I could also get some from the guy at the bar, the quality was 10x better with the legal. 100 percent worth the extra few bucks. It shows in the numbers. Just look it up.

    I don’t know how comfortable I would be in that line knowing everybody has a bunch of cash on them.

    I used my check card. No cash. No difference in going to the bar. Go to the bar and see all the guys with cash gambling. Not sure what part you wouldn’t be comfortable with. That line was a group of the friendliest people I had ever met.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    When are we going to see money back for that monstrous surplus that he promised? I wont hold my breath. Probably going toward the attorney fees for feeding our future.

    I referenced in a post last year how hte state surplus will likely be used. All of hte state and federal money for COVID relief that the schools were given has been spent. MANY districts added programming and staff they are now reluctant to eliminate.
    This comes home to roos this next school fiscal year.
    Our governor is going to allocate a portion ( don’t know how mech yet) to schools – again.
    No accountability, test scores going down, enrollment dropping, rise in private and charter schools but more money to bail out poor financial decision is not the answer.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4078

    This should infuriate everyone. We are one of if not the highest taxed states and have a massive surplus yet we wont get it back.

    Legislators should be looking at how this happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8945

    I’d support legislation that mandated a set % minimum of any collected surplus be returned to taxpayers, regardless of income level. If taxpayers paid it in to excess they should get it back.

    I thought I read somewhere that the anticipated cost of giving each of us who paid taxes $1000 back in MN would be approximately $4 billion, and a bit more if the income caps were removed – so say $5 million. Take that ~$5 million x 3 and we have something near our surplus.

    The average taxpayer has funded MN with over $3k beyond what it needs. That’s a broken system for sure.

    Posts: 24540

    Legislators should be looking at how this happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

    Heck they cannot even figure out how they gave hundreds of millions extra to the tribes.

    Posts: 2804

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gimruis wrote:</div>
    I think Dutchboy secretly started this thread.

    Burner acct?

    Burner account? That would be bearcat89… see what I did there Ron? mrgreen

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    Are you aware of ANYTHING the government has control over that runs efficiently and profitably?

    Technically the government is not a business. There is no profit involved. It is there to provide service to the poeple, not make money. Government operates on tax revenue. Sometimes there is a surplus, sometimes there is a deficit.

    Obviously our deficit is enormous and out of control, so we just keep spending money faster than we can print on a federal level. That isn’t anything new though.

    The postal service is supposed to solely rely on revenue from stamps and shipping to operate – not public funding authorized by legislators. That would be the closest example of government operation that is designed for profit. However, they’ve been operating in the red for years now and have needed bail outs to keep going. Do we really still need mail delivered 6 days/week?

    thats simply because the government keeps sticking there nose in the post offices business!!!!!!1

    they should stay the ef out of it and let them do what they need to do!!!!

    Posts: 2804

    Ironic the smilie I used was coded “Mr green”…

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18728

    they should stay the ef out of it and let them do what they need to do

    I agree. The problem is that the postal service would literally cease to exist anymore without recent public funding. They can’t operate solely based on stamp and shipping sales anymore even though they are supposed to. So we’re forced to either let it fold, or help them out. Politicians have decided to help them. Its similar to bailing out other private firms like GM, Chrysler, and most recently, the major airlines during the peak of the pandemic that greatly limited air travel.

    Could you imagine the uproar without mail? Lol it would be pitchfork nation

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8945

    Choosing to NOT legalize sports gambling already is absurd. Nearly every sports fan I know gambles on sports regularly to some extent.

    The paid school lunches is something I’d also support. Schools do not stop kids from purchasing lunches despite having a negative balance, not filling out free and reduced paperwork, etc regardless of income status. Families of all income backgrounds stick our local district with tabs of over $1k fairly regularly. Funding school lunches for everyone essentially is helping out from 2 perspectives (1 – the families who DO pay their lunch tabs currently would now get the same break, and 2 – the school districts as a whole who absorb the costs of feeding people who cannot afford it). Those who don’t pay their lunch bills aren’t going to regardless of what legislation/funding is passed.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21937

    Burner account? That would be bearcat89… see what I did there Ron? mrgreen

    That just made me choke on my lunch lol mrgreen

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12242

    Are you aware of ANYTHING the government has control over that runs efficiently and profitably?

    So you see my concern then when all those in favor are using a revenue argument as the chief “benefit” of legalizing anything.

    Most of you probably don’t remember it, but many liquor stores all over the country used to be “muni” or municipal liquor stores that were owned by some branch of government. It was the same “we can legalize it, control it, AND make money off of it” argument for creating a government-owned liquor store.

    Yes, it did work in some cases and for a while, but over time the direct and indirect costs got the better of many of these and the city ended up losing huge amounts of money before they finally pulled the plug on the muni. There are only a fraction of the number of municipalities that own liquor stores now as compared to 20 years ago.

    So if the government can’t make money selling beer and liquor when they’re the only game in town…

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4078

    Agreed on the school lunches.

    Sports gambling……what a mess. I really doubt we’re even close. You’ve still got the moral police out there who probably haven’t gotten over the sin of selling beer on Sundays. “It’ll ruin lives and families” they say. So do drugs, alcohol, excessive spending on anything, extramarital affairs, etc. Always funny to see left vs. right accuse the other of wanting to control our lives. They both do it, just in different ways. If it doesn’t really harm me, you, or the rest of society and reasonable law and enforcement can still take place, let it be legal (sports gambling, weed, prostitution, etc.)

    IF that hurdle were to be cleared, next up is the tribes…..

    Posts: 756

    I used my check card. No cash. No difference in going to the bar. Go to the bar and see all the guys with cash gambling. Not sure what part you wouldn’t be comfortable with. That line was a group of the friendliest people I had ever met.

    I was thinking of when Cali and Colorado went legal. IT was a cash only biz.
    Kinda ripe for a street group (PC) to pull up and rob everyone.

    Posts: 12715

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    Are you aware of ANYTHING the government has control over that runs efficiently and profitably?

    So you see my concern then when all those in favor are using a revenue argument as the chief “benefit” of legalizing anything.

    Most of you probably don’t remember it, but many liquor stores all over the country used to be “muni” or municipal liquor stores that were owned by some branch of government. It was the same “we can legalize it, control it, AND make money off of it” argument for creating a government-owned liquor store.

    Yes, it did work in some cases and for a while, but over time the direct and indirect costs got the better of many of these and the city ended up losing huge amounts of money before they finally pulled the plug on the muni. There are only a fraction of the number of municipalities that own liquor stores now as compared to 20 years ago.

    So if the government can’t make money selling beer and liquor when they’re the only game in town…

    Trust me the Muni liquor stores make plenty of money for their cities. I am pretty tight in this industry.

    A dispensary won’t be owned or ran by anyone in Gov. They will just collect the taxes. Completely different comparable.

    To the afraid of carrying cash by a dispensary comment. Who the hell carries cash anymore. Hell I don’t even own a wallet.

    I am guessing many against legalizing weed have never step foot into a real dispensary where it is legal. They look like a Helzberg Diamond jewelry store.
    100 times nicer than any rural bar.
    Tax revenue plus the jobs it would create is silly not to. Most likely going to be legalized federally at some point anyway.

    Sports Gambling is also silly. Why would you let that money go to other states and or be monopolized by the tribe. Unfortunately I think they will get first crack at it anyway.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12416

    The only way gambling gets legalized is by tribal monopoly, it’s just a matter of what cut the state gets imo.

    Posts: 12715

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    I used my check card. No cash. No difference in going to the bar. Go to the bar and see all the guys with cash gambling. Not sure what part you wouldn’t be comfortable with. That line was a group of the friendliest people I had ever met.

    I was thinking of when Cali and Colorado went legal. IT was a cash only biz.
    Kinda ripe for a street group (PC) to pull up and rob everyone.

    Much easier rob a store with 2-3 people and grab merchandise then try and grab 20 people’s cash out their pocket. Not like bars are getting robbed constantly by “street groups.”

    Posts: 1122

    The only way gambling gets legalized is by tribal monopoly, it’s just a matter of what cut the state gets imo.

    100% spot on and the only reason it hasn’t been legalized already (they can’t come to an agreement). Canterbury and Mystic no longer having a partnership will make it even that much harder.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21937

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>CaptainMusky wrote:</div>
    Are you aware of ANYTHING the government has control over that runs efficiently and profitably?

    So you see my concern then when all those in favor are using a revenue argument as the chief “benefit” of legalizing anything.

    Most of you probably don’t remember it, but many liquor stores all over the country used to be “muni” or municipal liquor stores that were owned by some branch of government. It was the same “we can legalize it, control it, AND make money off of it” argument for creating a government-owned liquor store.

    Yes, it did work in some cases and for a while, but over time the direct and indirect costs got the better of many of these and the city ended up losing huge amounts of money before they finally pulled the plug on the muni. There are only a fraction of the number of municipalities that own liquor stores now as compared to 20 years ago.

    So if the government can’t make money selling beer and liquor when they’re the only game in town…

    Every town around me still has the muni ran bar and my town has 2 muni liquor stores. All of which are the nicest places around. I’m imaging they do just fine.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12416

    100% spot on and the only reason it hasn’t been legalized already (they can’t come to an agreement). Canterbury and Mystic no longer having a partnership will make it even that much harder.

    I did not know that partnership ended…Safe to assume it ended with no possibility of a Racino or state-owned casino ever in the future?

    Posts: 24540

    Doesnt Canterbury have table games? I thought they used to have poker.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21937

    Doesnt Canterbury have table games? I thought they used to have poker.

    That’s what state run casinos have. No machines

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    Stop voting for your current governor. He’s a “teacher” by trade.
    Teachers are, if not the largest union in this state, one of the largest unions.
    One district alone that I worked in paid over $700,000 yearly in union dues.
    Do you really think that this work group supports anything BUT what is going to support them?
    NOT KNOCKING on teachers, just their leadership.
    Stop voting for this loony liberal and start holding our leaders accountable.
    They will urine this money away like everything else they do.
    If holding them accountable means one less bike lane in MPLS or no multi sex bathrooms – sign me up.

    Posts: 1785

    So legalized weed and 2 lines on pool 2… doing the math I’d say my catch rate will be about the same, with my line tangles doubling yay

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>mahtofire14 wrote:</div>
    The $$ brought in by legalized weed starts off high at the beginning and then slows WAY down after the initial honeymoon phase wears off. This is true in many states that have legalized it.

    What states?

    Year Colorado state marijuana tax revenue
    2014 $67,594,323
    2015 $130,411,173
    2016 $193,604,810
    2017 $247,368,473
    2018 $266,529,637
    2019 $302,458,426
    2020 $387,480,110
    2021 $423,486,053

    Year California state marijuana tax revenue
    2018 $397,720,611
    2019 $638,081,178
    2020 $1,031,879,926
    2021 $1,294,632,799

    Year Alaska state marijuana tax revenue
    2017 $1,749,497
    2018 $10,801,357
    2019 $19,082,542
    2020 $24,213,296
    2021 $30,054,250

    Year Massachusetts state marijuana tax revenue
    2019 $22,058,544
    2020 $81,734,083
    2021 $176,731,045.43

    Year Nevada state marijuana tax revenue
    2018 $69,759,783
    2019 $99,184,973
    2020 $105,180,947
    2021 $157,751,743

    Year Oregon state marijuana tax revenue
    2016 $20,652,983
    2017 $70,263,897
    2018 $82,203,729
    2019 $102,094,948
    2020 $133,150,349
    2021 $178,262,488

    Year Washington state marijuana tax revenue
    2015 $64,630,000
    2016 $186,000,000
    2017 $315,200,000
    2018 $362,000,000
    2019 $390,400,000
    2020 $469,159,137
    2021 $559,493,474

    Guess I should stop listening to Rogan….. jester

    Posts: 12715

    I hope that is not where you get your news info from. I like his podcast btw. toast

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