We have about 16 people in my office and it seems there’s a never-ending battle of the thermostats. Some want it cooler, some not so much, and it’s been going on since we’ve moved to our new office. I’m willing to admit I prefer the office on the cooler side much like most of the men in the office. But when I was asked if I knew who keeps turning the thermostat down I simply replied that I hadn’t noticed any temperature changes. (See what I did there, no self-incrimination on my part!). Anywho yes I am one of the few office employees who keeps turning the thermostat down because IT’s HOT IN HERE! There’s nothing wrong with 72 degrees. I may sound like an old grump, but maybe if the ladies who are complaining that they’re freezing would put on real clothes – not these sleeveless blouses with capri length yoga pants – then maybe there’s potential we could reach a happy medium. But until then, the battle is on ladies! BTW, my Galileo thermometer says it’s about 76 in here…
August 28, 2018 at 2:50 pm