The weather thread

  • gimruis
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 17798

    A potent line of t-storms is expected to form in western MN this afternoon and race eastward across the entire state by evening. Straight line winds and hail could be associated with this event. Keep an eye on the sky later.

    Behind it looks like very comfortable weather for several days.

    Posts: 23319

    Quite the active weather pattern. Big change from last summer and this past winter for sure.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12061

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>fishthumper wrote:</div>
    My buddy who lives near Long Prairie said they got around 5″ of rain over night last night in that area. Not sure how much we got here in the St Cloud area but it was a lot

    WOW!! I live just west of Long Prairie about 8 miles, only an inch here last night….

    He lives between Browerville and Staples. He said only a small area got that much rain. He’s normally in a are that gets far less or missed altogether. This time he was in the heavy hit area. His wife sent some pictures of the fields in the area. Real mess. The small creek he lives on has overflowed the road leading to his place. Only a few inches of water but the 1st time since a new culvert was put in 10 years ago.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1440

    yea Clarrisa and Eagle Bend were also in the huge amount of rain too!!!

    Posts: 2486

    Just glanced at my radar and looks like you guys in the St. Cloud area are about to get hit with a nasty little straight line. I forgot what they call those in meteorology. Gim?

    1. IMG_2280.png

    Grinnell, Ia
    Posts: 127

    Just wait. We go on vacation next week. I’m hoping the weather is great as we are taking my 5 year old grandson first time fishing from a boat and I want him to enjoy himself. But my luck we will be in the cabin watching cartoons all day lol

    Posts: 124

    I forgot what they call those in meteorology.

    Generally called a squall line. There’s different type of “lined storms” but this one fits the definition of squall line quite well.

    Posts: 23319

    Derecho is the very severe line of organized storms like the one that hit Iowa a couple summers ago with some insane winds flattening nearly everything in its path.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 17798

    Squall line is an accurate term. The wind gusts just prior to arrival can be damaging.

    A derecho is more extreme but similar. It requires a line of severe thunderstorms that is at least 240 miles long and sustained winds that are at least 58 mph or greater.

    Posts: 2486

    Squall line, ok. Thanks.

    Derecho is one I have not heard. Interesting.

    Posts: 2486

    Looks like the line might just barely skirt St. Cloud or even miss to the north. We’ll see.

    I bet the Mille lacs bite is pretty hot for the next hour! peace

    Posts: 23319

    Derecho is nothing to mess with! We had one in MN a few years ago too, but thankfully it was nothing like the one that hit Iowa!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 17798

    He’s right the one that hit eastern Iowa in recent memory was exceptionally catastrophic. It was essentially a 250 mile long EF1 tornado. Flattened nearly everything for hundreds of miles.

    Posts: 2486

    Boy is this one looking nasty. I take back my last comment- it doesn’t look like it’s going to MISS much of anything…

    Time to take the flag down again. I swear it’s spent more time in the breezeway than flying this year…

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12061

    Just glanced at my radar and looks like you guys in the St. Cloud area are about to get hit with a nasty little straight line. I forgot what they call those in meteorology. Gim?

    Getting a fair amount. Nothing to serious yet but rather steady and looks like a fair amount more yet to arrive

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 12060

    got some rain here……..nuttin to raise the white flag over………yet!!!

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5941

    That line is across the entire state! Don’t see that too often.

    Posts: 2486

    Be interesting hearing updates from ppl from various areas. Glad to hear it wasn’t too bad on the front edge. I just don’t want hail because I park my truck in the driveway! doah

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 12060

    pretty wimpy here in cold spring….. coffee

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 17798

    Pretty wimpy here too

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5941

    Gonna be a stiff NW wind after this blows through for multiple days. Will keep the temps on the low side and hopefully blow the skeeters away.

    Posts: 2486

    Just a little light rain and tiny bit of thunder/lightning here near the airport.

    Wimpy indeed.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 2896

    Spittin here in Rochester, but the wind is unreal.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8383

    The river for Wabasha is slated to crest over 13’. That’s a good foot and a half higher than it ever got this spring, meaning it will flush a lot of old debris downstream. The pleasure boat traffic is just starting to pick up too. My Brother in Law on the FD said they’re prepping for plenty of issues on the water with people boating at flood stage and have minimal experience with it.

    I’m hoping this line moves fast and brings in a string of sunny days.

    Posts: 23319

    .9″ here. It wasnt too windy here, but a little bit. I think as it moved East the line bowed a bit which caused the higher winds. It can stop raining now for a while.

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 12060

    .9″ here. It wasnt too windy here, but a little bit. I think as it moved East the line bowed a bit which caused the higher winds. It can stop raining now for a while.

    waytogo i agree, spread some of this out in the next 3 months!!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 17798

    I think you guys are gonna get your wish on some dryer weather. There is a 50% chance of pop-up t-storms/rain this afternoon as the system exits, but beyond that there is very little rain in the forecast for the next week or so.

    I don’t see any extreme heat or humidity either. Thankful for that too.

    Posts: 23319

    Glenn that is the problem we get it in short periods of time and then nothing for a long time. IDK how much rain since beginning of may, but it must be nearly a foot. Id have to go through my comments and total everything up, but its definitely 8 inches for sure Id think.

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