fishthumper…i get it..stuff is spendy. why nail someone who’s never had a claim.
here’s the part that gets my goat big time. my AF agent was the wife of a coworker, whom the agent was a high school classmate. he told me they were going to FLORIDA for an awards banquet……he didnt pay a dime traveling expense. and then handing out friggin rewards to agents…….on my dime!!!!!!
Glenn – your kind of missing the point of how insurance works. Insurance works off a pool model. It meant to spread out the cost of losses across a large group. If it didn’t work this way if someone had a large loss and the added cost was only to that one person, they could not afford the cost of insurance. For every person who’s never had a claim there may be someone who has only paid their 1st months payment of insurance and had a home destroyed by a fire or tornado. Like it or not that’s how insurance work. If you own your home, you are free to self Insure and not have home insurance at all. As far as Agents winning trips goes, I could name thousands of jobs where employees win things that are paid for by the consumers. Believe me, Most insurance agents who are winning a trip are spending way more of their income to make their business better than the cost of the trip. They are adding more paid employees, they are paying good $ for additional advertisements, they are paying to sponsor community events, Ect. All things that they don’t have to do.