"The Vietnam War" on PBS

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    I’ll stay away from the rest of conversation as I don’t want a pool started for me to leave the country because my opinion is not understood.

    seriously anyone talking about putting up money for Gordon to leave the country over his views is a bully and that’s what wrong with this site .try using some morals before posting cruel things intended to hurt someone

    So, now I’m a bully. Interesting.
    Well if defending those who went to Viet Nam to risk life & limb makes me a bully then sign me up. I lived those years, although I wasn’t in the service I was there during the era. I was there when the US entered the war. I was there when the US was bombing Hanoi flat as a pancake early in the war. I was there when Washington changed policy and made it a ground war. I was there when 100’s of thousands of kids barely out of high school were sent to that God forsaken hell hole to stop Communism. I was there when the body counts started on the nightly news. I was there when the peace protests started. I was there when the public turned on the kids sent to defend their sorry asses. I was there when those kids came home and were spit at. crap thrown at them, called baby killers. Ya I was alive and well. I was safe because of those kids. Today I’m safe because of those kids. As I said earlier, you can have all the opinions in the world on if war is just and moral. If it fuels our economy. Who starts wars and why. Should we be the worlds protector. You can discuss and debate that all you want. But never call into question the valor or righteousness of those who fight and die for our freedoms. War is not a video game. War is not a Tom Hanks movie. Unless we’ve been there we have no right at all to judge the split second decisions of those brave people.

    I wasn’t the one who called anybody a hero. But those who serve and sacrifice kinda fit the description don’t you think?

    BTW, my feelings fit for all those who have fought from the revolution right up to the currant messes we are in.

    Sorry you are so easily offended by my offer. However if you feel the same way my offer stands for you also. You see I have nothing against Gordon personally just his casual belief that there is something wrong with defending this country.

    OK, I gotta go kick some kids off the lawn now. grin

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    What Merle said.

    Morel King
    Posts: 522

    Dutchboy what the hell are u talking about ….. did i question the valor or rightouesness of veterans ? Are u drunk i called u a bully because that’s what u are go back and read the poop u write to some ppl including me . For all your smart ass knows i could have served and here i stand up for someone your jumping all over for his beliefs. There is not enough time in my life to deal with simple minded folks like u take that 100$ u wanna give me to leave the country and stick it where the sun don’t shine

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    “killing little brown people”….now, you’re playing the race card. Thanks for making that perfectly clear.
    Al Case
    USN ’69 to ’73.

    Posts: 904


    1. maxresdefault.jpg

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I was going to stay out of this discussion, but reading what I’ve read and thought about from the opinions of the guys here, I thought its time to chime in and let everyone here know a few things from the friends I have who were there, other friends I’ve made in years gone by that were there and my opinions from what all those guys have said and what I seen at that time (late 60’s and early 70’s)

    By the time I graduated from high school in 1969 the war was in fullblown swing and every night on the news everyone was told how many guys died and what political policies were being put in place to justify the war. I was young and didn’t know a thing about the Vietnam war but was hearing it every night on all 3 channels, ABC, CBS, and NBC, yep that was it, just 3 broadcast channels.

    So by the time I graduated Id been hearing daily what was going on but didn’t know a thing politically about what was going on and what had gone on the previous 10 years.

    At 18 I moved too Madison Wisconsin and moved in with a friend and got a job to get my own place. Well in 1969 the University Of Wisconsin campus at Madison was the second most political campus in the United States, second only to the Berkley campus in California. Beings there was a lot of anti war discussions everyone was talking about I couldn’t help but listen, and did.

    After a couple months there was an anti war protest around the capitol building that was organized by local people who were anti war and then later on I learned that some of those organizers were also Vietnam vets themselves. Well during the anti war protest there was 100,000 people who showed up all around every street and avenue that went in all directions from the center capitol building. We listened to the speakers talk about what was wrong with the war and the numerous various topics that took place before the war and during the war.

    Now is the time I should say that I was never against the troops who fought in Vietnam and all of my friends at that time weren’t against them either. In retrospect we made the right decision by standing behind our troops, unlike the Jane Fonda crowd of ill informed and to this day its hard for me to fathom why they thought the way they did, like it was the troops fault who did what they did and had to do. The Jane Fonda crowd was small in numbers and was a very minor influence in changing anyones mind about what the troops were saying that gave speeches for over 12 hours. Those troops told everything that was going on, why it happened and we got almost all our information from what they said. They were there on the battle fields and they knew.

    To give a perspective on how versed these troops were there were troops from all branches of the services but mostly from the army and marines. These guys who were giving their speeches were in full dress and proud of what uniforms they were wearing and some had so many medals on their chests that they needed a wheel barrow to carry the rest around in, these troops were highly decorated, so we figured they knew what they were talking about and at the time they sounded like they did.

    Some gave their opinions on why the war stared and the facts that took place to get the war going. A few of the troops stated that the nation of France had complete control over the economy in Vietnam at the time and a lot of the Vietnam nationals didn’t like that. Everything the Vietnamese worked for was in the grips of the French and the French exploited the people of Vietnam terribly, basically get their products as cheap as they could and selling them all over the world and returning very little of the money back to the everday working class people of Vietnam, in other words they were being heavily used and the money was going into the pockets of the French and the ruling class of Vietnam at that time. We also heard that the president of Vietnam was put in place by the French. Vietnam was a satellite country and controlled by the country of France.

    The words Im saying are in laymens terms and I don’t remember some of the technical things the speaking troops had said but im doing my best and not trying to cloud the air. Sentiment grew against the president of Vietnam and the French to the point where Ho Chi Mien from a wealthy family in Vietnam went to college in America and was a Harvard graduate and his major was capitalism.

    After he graduated he went back to Vietnam still not a communist yet and the people he was in contact with there, came to America and tried to get the United States to get the French out of Vietnam or atleast loosen their strangle grip on the Vietnamese economy. The United States at that time refused to help Ho because of previous south pacific world war two treaties that were drawn up at the end of world war two. To this day I don’t know if the united States just couldn’t over ride those treaties or just didn’t want to because of the alliances between America and France at that time which were a lot closer, in my opinion more then they are today.

    So what did Ho Chi MIEN DO, he went to China to ask for help to get the French out of Vietnam, and they said they would help. One of the stipulations was that Ho had to become communist and had to study that before they would help.

    So he went back to Vietnam after making the agreement with china and the war esculated, slowly at first but faster after time went by.

    From what a couple speakers said this is what happened to start and fuel the war.

    I have a neighbor who served in the navy in 1964 or 65 and to this day he still doesn’t get credit for that time, and he is bitter and very bitter at that. He said the government in America should have helped HO get the French out of Vietnam and he personally said they threw the screws to him. He said the whole Vietnam war wouldn’t have taken place if they would have helped Ho chi Mien get the French out or atleast bring them to a bargaining table, if you would talk to him you would agree he is very bitter, he said a lot of troops died for nothing that shouldn’t have.

    I thought to myself if hes this bitter then how many other troops are too, evidently the speakers in full dress at that time were telling the truth. I have a few friends who fought over there and made the statement to Bill that sometimes I wish I would have enlisted and his immediate response was, no Dan you just think you should have, you didn’t miss anything. Bill is undergoing intravienous feeding right now because of agent orange they sprayed on everything to kill all the vegetation so the communists couldn’t hide as good. John is a total alcoholic and I consider it no fault of his own. Mick is a full blown hard liquor drinker and is on and off the wagon all the time, mostly off. The lottery at that time was started in 1968 and if they drew your birthday out of a hat you had to go, in hindsight and from what my fiends have said I’m now glad I didn’t.

    The Jane Fonda crowd calling all our troops killers and the speeches she made and what she did, is outrageous. This type of information is what the different branches of the service told the troops before they came home to beware of the war protestors who made it home.

    I can tell you this, the people who were my friends at that time and a couple still are, made our minds up by listening to those highly decorated troops and they are where we got most of our information from, not the streets and hearsay. We never ever heard anyone talk negatively about our troops but when we did hear about what the very minor Jane Fonda crowd was saying we couldn’t believe it and stood behind our troops, and everyone I talked to which was many at the time, stood behind them too 100% and still do. The war protestors at that time got a bad rap by our different branches of the service by misinforming our troops and making them think that all the protestors were that way, I can say accurately that probably 95% of the protestors were behind our troops and the small amount that thought the way Jane Fonda did were in few numbers but had a large impact. Remember the movie Forest Gump and the signs they held that said bring our troops home, they weren’t the Jane Fonda crowd, they were the ones who knew about the war machine and the previous things that escalated the war, they were the good guys.

    As time went on everyone was forming an accurate opinion and sentiment grew to get our troops home and as soon as possible, We heard many reasons from those decorated speakers why we shouldn’t be there. Richard Nixon had Millions of dollars of his own money invested in napalm. There were very many investors from everywhere in America including all over the world investors who had billions, who had their money invested in Haliburton who built the second largest Navy base in the world in Camron Bay in south Vietnam for supplying the troops, and it goes on the many reasons the decorated speaking troops gave and why they also grew negative in their opinions of the war.

    This is my perspective and many others also on what happened and why we still think we shouldn’t have been there and doing just a few things would have changed things enough that the war would have never taken place and so many wouldn’t have lost their lives. If anyone has a different perspective I respect your opinion and I don’t want to make any enemies as I’m forming mine from the opinions from the guys who were there. War is hell and accuracy is very important to keep us from it.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    Well written Dan.

    Mike Stephens
    Posts: 1722

    Well written and my hopes are that some minds are more informed from your post. Thanks

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Thanks Dutch, remember a couple past presidents who said,,,be careful of the military machine and what it can do, its very wise to listen to that advice before people decide on going to war, they had better check things out first.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    There have been many reasons wars have been fought throughout history. Money certainly has had it’s place.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Afghanistan? supposedly the worlds largest deposit of rare earth metals, the kind that those very powerful magnets are made of, Ive been hearing that for 7 years now, America giving Bin Laden all the fire power he needs to drive the Russians out that also knew those metals were there? but money does come into play somewhere in that scenarieo. Again this just might be hearsay,,,

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17121

    I won’t pretend to know why Afghanistan. I think it’s partly the terrorist thing. Better to fight on their ground then ours. I think the Halliburton war machine plays a factor. These folks need to be fighting somewhere to keep the defense money flowing. Also it wouldn’t surprise me if some around Washington wanted to go there and prove we could do what the Russians couldn’t do. I had read somewhere once where the 10 year war the Russians fought and lost in Afghanistan was what lead to the bankrupting and eventual breakup of the Soviet Union. I don’t know it’s a mess there and I don’t see us winning it either.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    I won’t pretend to know why Afghanistan. I think it’s partly the terrorist thing. Better to fight on their ground then ours. I think the Halliburton war machine plays a factor. These folks need to be fighting somewhere to keep the defense money flowing. Also it wouldn’t surprise me if some around Washington wanted to go there and prove we could do what the Russians couldn’t do. I had read somewhere once where the 10 year war the Russians fought and lost in Afghanistan was what lead to the bankrupting and eventual breakup of the Soviet Union. I don’t know it’s a mess there and I don’t see us winning it either.

    Never start a land war in Asia coffee

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2105

    Mossy Dan : I think you’re right on!
    I have been watching the series and it is sometimes tough to do so.
    (BTW, my # was 25)
    I was a medic/surgical tech on my way there when my favorite uncle said he was not sending anymore troupes to ‘nam! I spent my years of service dealing with the ugly aftermath, our wounded brothers & sisters. It’s been well over 40 years since then. I’ve worked in surgery every year since, and still have never witnessed anything so ugly as the wounds of war, or those lives we couldn’t save.
    I never set foot on that foreign soil, but I cleaned much dirt and filth from wounds!
    There are good arguments and opinions on this issue for sure, all political policy, right or wrong. But one policy I know of that still holds true. “WE WILL TAKE THE BATTLE TO THEM BEFORE WE LET THEM BRING IT HERE ON OUR SOIL!
    OK, that’ll be all from me…
    Carry on……

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    But one policy I know of that still holds true. “WE WILL TAKE THE BATTLE TO THEM BEFORE WE LET THEM BRING IT HERE ON OUR SOIL!
    OK, that’ll be all from me…
    Carry on……

    Many of us can only be most thankful for that policy, although there are some that do not truly appreciate that sacrifice given by those such as yourself.

    Please, let this not be “all from you”. We are now finding you amongst other’s that have held reluctance to comment. Understandably, however not only does this enlighten those that have been so far distanced from the realities of the time and who and how it affected…it also gives those of us more supporting perspectives that we had little clue about.
    Thank you flatfish, mossydan, and belletaine for sharing the unseen or ignored tragedies of that piece of history!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If anyone is into history take a look at this series on PBS. I think it kicked off this past Sunday night, but I believe they’re playing re-runs and I have the past episodes stacked up on my DVR.

    Hey Dan, I didn’t look in this thread until now because I knew if I read it, it would be sitting in front of a tv watching this.

    I didn’t read through all the posts by our very outspoken community. It was a good post that like so many turn to discourse. There’s many other sites to argued political points back and forth…

    I seldom take the parting shot before a thread is closed down, but I will this time.

    I follow in my dad’s foot steps. When he was 78 he wore a tee shirt with a flag on it that said. “try burning this flag”. Dad was one of the lucky ones of WWII. Just shrapnel in his back and a few back surgeries and full body casts. A sneeze would put him into a world of hurt. At least he didn’t end up giving all like so many did.

    What’s ironic is that I give respect to the flag and the national anthem for one reason. To respect the Fathers, Sons, Brothers, Daughters, Wifes that gave their lives so that some of use have the right to sit, kneel, stay in the locker room.

    They died for our freedom to be stupid.

    …and now, on to more important first world problems like how many dozens of crawlers do I need for Friday fishing.

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