The "old guys"

  • G_Smitty
    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    Joined 13 years ago! Am now back in WI, looking to get back on the Croix…

    On water
    Posts: 817

    Joined in 02 but haven’t offered anything of importance to the site since…..well probably never.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739


    Used to lend a thought or two on the river trout as I remember…


    On water
    Posts: 817

    See I forgot mark…”old guy syndrome”

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    I check in from time to time. Chappy, I still remember you giving me flack about my white legs at an Evert’s get together in 03 I believe. Was “Rooster” then. I think I was member 300 and something. I owe much of what I know about walleye fishing to the “old folks” here!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I am here periodically… started with a guide trip booked with James back in 1999… I was on Prostaff for a few years too… You sure did have some whiteys John! razz That GTGs we had were a blast! I had the best time when I bunked in with Bobber and Hooks (miss him frown ) I’m 74 now and still fishing and Guiding… smash although I’m looking at replacement parts soon jester

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    What ever happened to dandorn?

    Looks like he checked in 1 week, 5 days ago. You could try sending him a PM.


    Posts: 803

    I’ve been here since the FTR days. It’s what got me into walleye tourney fishing where I met the likes of BK, Dean Marshall, River Rat Randy, Shooter, The Banks’s,and many others. Thx IDO

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I remember Koldfront kraig and Deer Tracker and Lyons…A few others too…Some I don’t want to remember…Right BK? Don’t fish the river much anymore in the last 10 yrs. Boats at the lake and stays up there…

    Now we see the problem sell that d-mm place and get back to where you belong,been many years since we fished together in your Crestliner and 140 Johnson aka Suzuki.

    Since Dean left I have only been down to Everets probably twice good lord I miss those fun days, it was a fascinating group of fishermen. It got real interesting sitting around the campfire and tipping a few.

    Still remember James would tell Dean lets have fish, Dean would jump into his boat go across from Everets about 15 minutes later come back with fish for supper.

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