I (and over 90% of the readers on this site…) see “the bigger picture” (as you call it) of one race of people getting advantages over other races of people. Pretty simple really…
Seriously? Someone in the year 2017 is complaining about native americans having more rights than us and that it is unfair? How do you not understand how this makes you look like an entitled little baby?
“waaaahhhh, this race of people we genocided and banished to the bowels of our country is getting to net the walleye and I don’t, that’s not fair mommy. But I want to catch walleyes NOW!”
Why don’t you request Native American status so you can move on to the reservation and enjoy some of that sweet sweet walleye netting action. Enjoy all those additional rights that they have that we don’t, the grass over there is so much greener. You’ll love the vast employment opportunities, the amazing healthcare and your family will reap the benefits of a truly spectacular education system!
On a separate note, I disagree with jeffhuberty on everything, but this takes the cake. JD, is this a real quote from him?
She had plenty of control not to take 4 shots of 100 proof before coming over to the apartment. I teach my 3 daughters to be responsible for themselves, and if you put yourself in a bad situation don’t cry about what happens.
I sincerely hope this follows jeffhubrety around for the rest of his time here(how does it not already?). Jeff, if you’re out there, you’re an absolutely deplorable human being and I feel bad for your daughters. I don’t care if this is off topic, instead of protesting Mille Lacs can we petition to get this rape sympathizer off this board?
If that quote is false then ignore the last part(but don’t ignore the part where I said I disagree with him all the time, that’s still true). Rooster, even if we will constantly disagree on silly fishing stuff, I’m glad to see you called out jeff on his quote above(if I’m reading that right), props dude.