The Legislative “Agenda” Continues – This one …well ??

  • Brittman
    Posts: 2224

    All good … most threads take on many branches on this site. Between seasons now – so a bit more time to read through and complain more.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    Watching the MN House coverage about 3 weeks ago on TV during a lunch break.
    THe Republican asking the Democratic committee member about their newest bill to eliminate fossil fueled equipment and replace it with “sustainable. clean” energy.
    Cant say exactly how many windmills we have NOW but the Republican was telling the democratic committee member we would need “neighborhood” 21,000+ windmills and 300 SQUARE MILES of solar panels to replace what we are using right now?!
    That’s in MN ? What would states like NY or California need?!?!?:
    I suppose the bird lovers will stop crying about the murder of birds because, well, it’s a SUSTAINABLE source of energy….

    Posts: 1822

    1. Stop looking at other peoples junk. I’ve seen plenty of men with tig old bitties but that don’t make em transgender. 2 The day a fish comes to the surface and says” I’m sorry they but as you are pregnant and identify as a male I will not bite your lure today” is the day I will care about gender identification as a sportsman.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    The patients are literly in charge of the asylum. How much $hit are we going to allow them to ruin before putting a stop to it?

    “You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

    Posts: 4362

    If your a girl and wanna be a guy or the other way around I dont give a poop but quit trying to shove it down everyones throat. Dont see a lot of guys who like chicks or women who like dicks making damn sure everyone knows it.

    Posts: 2224

    DFL and MN AG want to hold auto manufacturers responsible for vehicle thefts.

    Republicans answer – what about holding the thieves responsible ?

    These people that simply lack a moral compass chose to steal cars to commit crimes in, most are not headed for sale or a chop shop. Making one brand of car less easy to steal may alter that vehicles stats, but overall they just move on to the next …

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Things are going to get far worse before they get better. The whole political system is broken. The government keeps taking more and more control every day. I know people here ( Myself included ) keep wanting to make all these thing a political party problem. Its a bigger overall total government problem ( Both sides ) I’ve said it before, and I say it again. I believe it will end up taking another revolution in this country to fix the issue. If not a overall revolution, possibly some form of a civil war. I for one sure hope it does not come to that, but sadly don’t see how it can be avoided. Just way to much divide in this country these days.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Things are going to get far worse before they get better. The whole political system is broken. The government keeps taking more and more control every day. I know people here ( Myself included ) keep wanting to make all these thing a political party problem. Its a bigger overall total government problem ( Both sides ) I’ve said it before, and I say it again. I believe it will end up taking another revolution in this country to fix the issue. If not a overall revolution, possibly some form of a civil war. I for one sure hope it does not come to that, but sadly don’t see how it can be avoided. Just way to much divide in this country these days.

    A civil war is the end of the United States. China or Russia or another country would swoop in and pick the carcass. Either people take control of their own lives or start saluting a different flag because ours will be gone.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    Either people take control of their own lives or start saluting a different flag because ours will be gone

    The 1 Million $ question is how do you propose they do that.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Either people take control of their own lives or start saluting a different flag because ours will be gone

    The 1 Million $ question is how do you propose they do that.

    Go back in the direction of equality instead of equity?
    Everyone gets equal opportunity. What they make of it is on them?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Either people take control of their own lives or start saluting a different flag because ours will be gone

    The 1 Million $ question is how do you propose they do that.

    My thoughts:

    1. Set term limits.
    2. Do whatever you can to eliminate or minimize the 2 party system. These politicians all run their mouths about representing people when they really represent their reelection and own benefit first. Most are cowardly and won’t stray one inch from their safe spaces that get them elected time and time again…on both sides.

    The last time I spoke with a Senator or House member and walked away feeling “good” was NEVER.

    Posts: 1822

    HF 949 is something that should concern MN boaters. All boaters required to have proof of Boating Safety course or Coast Guard Operator Certification.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    My thoughts:

    1. Set term limits.
    2. Do whatever you can to eliminate or minimize the 2 party system. These politicians all run their mouths about representing people when they really represent their reelection and own benefit first. Most are cowardly and won’t stray one inch from their safe spaces that get them elected time and time again…on both sides.

    Both Excellent starts. No disagreement on either. Once again – How do you make it happen. The current Government at the time would be needed to make these changes. That’s not likely to happen !!!! To many people Vote based on how will my vote help ME. Not based on how will my vote help the country. As long as that’s the case those in power will continue to find a way to buy peoples vote’s.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    HF 949 is something that should concern MN boaters. All boaters required to have proof of Boating Safety course or Coast Guard Operator Certification.

    In the long list of things I would worry about this would be nearly last. It’s just another tax to separate you from more of your money. They will grandfather a bunch of people and put a minimum fine along with it. You will never get pulled over and checked for it UNLESS it’s the question during the course of writing a citation for something else. It’s much like the guiding license….unless somebody complains and turns you in they won’t bother you. Like I said, just another tax.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12561

    HF 949 is something that should concern MN boaters. All boaters required to have proof of Boating Safety course or Coast Guard Operator Certification.

    Not saying I’m in favor of it, but some boaters may benefit from taking a boater safety course. There are way to may poor boat drivers out there these days !!!

    Posts: 1822

    Dutchboy- I’m more concerned with the wallet in my pants, than I am with the genitals in someone else’s pants.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    A guy was experiencing terrible headaches so he went to the doctor. The doctor performed a scan and determined that the problem was that his brain was too big for his skull, and that the recommended treatment was removal of half his brain. Long story short, he had the surgery, but with complications. They had to remove 90% of his brain. In the recovery room he was asked his name. To which he replied “Ruth Richardson”. (the author of HF 2095)

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    HF 949 is something that should concern MN boaters. All boaters required to have proof of Boating Safety course or Coast Guard Operator Certification.

    Perhaps all candidates seeking office should provide proof of understanding our Constitutions (State and Federal) and MUST be able to recite them chapter and verse!

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Can I still say “Mothereffers”?

    I think the PC term is now “pregnantpersoneffer”.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    Yeah, follow the science we were told. Science would tell us that only a female(woman) can get pregnant. They even want to take that from normal people. Your either him, her or it.

    If I self identify as a pregnant person, am I correct in assuming that the state and medical care providers are now obligated to provide me with prenatal care?
    This may be the way to stop this nonsense, to sue for our rights as self identified prego’s. The Left’s own laws would seem to grant us our day in court. Maybe we should all stuff our shirts and march on St Paul as pregnant persons, bringing attention to all this folly.

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