The latest on Wallmart

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Just read this on yahoo news and its sad. A guy, an ex felon who spent some time in jail, went to work for wallmart. While in the parking lot, I assume he was taking carts from the lot into the store, he picked up cans that people left in the parking lot that were discarded by people and also to keep the parking lot clean. He took in $5.10 worth of cans and redeemed them.

    When the manager found out he fired the guy because anything found on their property is considered wallmarts property. Instead of telling him its the stores property and not firing him they just let him go. The guy said he didn’t know they were considered wallmarts property but that wasn’t good enough so they fired him anyway. After that he made a special 1 hr trip on a bus to bring the $5.10 back to the store and when he got there he was shown the door and the $5.10 was refused.

    I’ve about heard it all now,,, and will never visit the store again.

    Ankeny, IA
    Posts: 237

    That is soo JUST NOT RIGHT!!!! Even if there is something behind this story not being told, there was a better way to handle that situation. With the holidays upon us it’s even more just not right.
    Where did this happen?

    Posts: 3913

    my wife has worked for walmart for thirteen years now,and it is despicable how they treat their employees,shortly after your year end review,and if they give you a raise,not only does your insurance go up an equal amount or more,the management does everything in their power to make you want to quit until they figure out you are not going to put up with their shiate.

    one gal that worked there suffered a compound fracture while at work,the work comp doctor was out of town for a few days,and walmart would only allow the e.r. doctor to clean up the wound and put the bone back in place without resetting it,the poor gal was told she had to wait on the work comp doctor to return before any further surgery was to be done,four days!!!!
    I told her to go get it fixed right away and sue the day lights out of them,but she was in fear of losing her job so she waited.

    what kind of world do we live in that allows a company to get away with this kind of inhumane treatment??????

    Posts: 7348

    Pretty harsh criticism here. Why such the knee jerk reaction? Would you want your employees digging in garbages for cans? How was he storing them, in bags left around the store outside or by their lockers? Seems incredibly unsanitary to me, and considering he was homeless at some point I’m sure his hygeine wasn’t top notch in regards to the whole ordeal.

    Let’s get the other side of the story, again. I already don’t like Walmart but this seems like another crap sympathy story.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    It didn’t give a store Loon. What gets me is this guy was trying to do the right thing by making the parking lot more clean but the management couldn’t see that. Besides that a gal was caught taking a $20 bill and she was just warned and not fired, but the guy who trys to keep a parking lot clean and make a few cents was fired. Evidently it takes a special type of person to work for Wallmart and Enforce policies.

    Have you ever seen one of their pep rallies before everyone goes to work on their shift.I was walking through there one day and seen about 10 people being coached by one of the managers to do a good job. Every one was chanting a walmart slogan and was being coached to be full of energy, I’ve seen and heard some really stupid things there, and all for $9 an hour. Whos more dumb the people who need the job or the managers.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    A person can play devils advocate here but firing a guy who picks up cans and redeems them, maybe he should have just let them lay to make the parking lot look like it wasn’t being taken care of. I would have patted the guy on the back and them informed him that its not the right thing to do and the reason why, whyd they hire him in the first place.

    Posts: 7348

    How does everybody suddenly know all the details involved here? Seriously!

    Most likely he was picking them out of garbages like most homeless people do then putting away carts that handles food amongst other items customers wouldn’t want garbage germs on.

    Could it have been handled differently, perhaps. But I don’t blame an employer for firing an employee who was potentially creating a dirty situation. If this story didnt involve Walmart, it wouldn’t be a story.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    What part of PARKING LOT is in a trash can, nhamm? There was no mention of him digging in the trash bins. Besides that, the stores trash goes into compactor containers and has no exposure to the out of doors areas.

    Posts: 7348

    What part of PARKING LOT is in a trash can, nhamm

    Where does it say it isn’t?

    I’m a big picture guy, and a guy who’s been not able to fish much lately so I apologize for the abruptness. But these stories just fan away the overall idea of common sense. Guy wants to pick up and keep stuff off their employers property? Hmmm, maybe that deserves a quick question to my supervisor or store manager. If approval was given by anyone in management I guarantee things would’ve been handled differently. But he assumed it was fine, and in my proffesion once you start assuming stuff, its gets ugly in a hurry, and I would assume that’s true for many others.

    But media stories want to make sure everybodys a victim and nobody is accountable for their own actions.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    It doesn’t say he was dumpster diving so why assume he was? The guy could have seen the cans while doing lot duty and stopped to pick them up AFTER punching out. If this is the case, maybe the epa or pca should visit and lay some fines on Wallyworld for littering or having less than a clean public area.

    Nothing surprises me about Walmart. Most of Walmart is a departure from common sense in my book and the only good thing that ever came from one of the stores for me was a 4th of July beef brisket they mismarked.

    Posts: 7348

    At today’s prices a can is worth about 2 cents. Rough guess. 50 cans equal a buck, 5 bucks is about 250 cans. Let’s say he finds about 10 cans a day in the lot, which is conservative, that’s a month of picking up cans and collecting for $5!! Maybe take whatever time you were doing to pick them up, bag em, store them wherever you were storing them and instead sweep the front walk, clean a window, take some sanitizer to the kid rides outside, heck something that would maybe give you a nod from management to move up the pay structure instead of banking on your huge monthly $5 can bonus.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    How does everybody suddenly know all the details involved here? Seriously!

    Most likely he was picking them out of garbages like most homeless people do then putting away carts that handles food amongst other items customers wouldn’t want garbage germs on.

    Could it have been handled differently, perhaps. But I don’t blame an employer for firing an employee who was potentially creating a dirty situation. If this story didnt involve Walmart, it wouldn’t be a story.

    Where did it say he was homeless?

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>belletaine wrote:</div>
    Where did it say he was homeless

    Just found this, truth comes out eventually.

    Firing the guy seems excessive, just my opinion. I’m not a fan of Walmart though. They’re a ruthless company that I believe takes advantage of workers that might not have many employment options.

    Posts: 7348

    I’m curious to what he stole in store, were they referring to the cans or actual store items. Journalism sucks nowadays. Clear and concise stories don’t allow for the imagination I suppose so here we are hashing it out.

    Ex convict, who got caught stealing, you are a darned nice guy if you wouldn’t can him yourself Belle.

    Now the whole Walmart issue, there are a thousand other issues why everyone should dislike big box stores that get lil to no attention. Yet we sympathize with stories like this? Jackie Chan where you at…..

    Posts: 1811

    So they watched the guy, on camera ,for 2 months pickng up cans, then they fire him……….. nice

    Gabe Kuettner
    wabasha mn
    Posts: 348

    And you must buy something at Walmart.I walked out of there without buying something and I was told that next time I got to buy something.By the stupid Walmart greeter that gets paid for nothing.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    By no means am I a Walmart fan but according to the story his firing had nothing to do with the cans picked up in the lot. Nothing. He stole something from INSIDE the store and signed a statement admitting he committed the crime.

    A Walmart spokesperson released a statement, saying “Mr. Smith was terminated due to theft inside of the store and has signed a statement admitting to the crime.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Seems like this thread is less about the story and facts and more about the evil empire Wal-Mart.

    Posts: 7348

    There was a cart of cans worth $2 left inside the store, which sat for about an hour that the “victim” took and cashed in himself.

    In stores over there apparently there are machines that will cash them out for you on the spot. And if they are full you can bring them to the counter and they’ll take care of it there. This is where the cart supposedly was and essentially taking the cans himself was double dipping from the store.

    Again common sense dictates to myself that if you have a record of armed robbery, if you don’t know the store policy or the circumstances, just don’t do it!

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    What is the lesoned learned here? Take a can off the tarmac of a parking lot dont cash it in at the store you took it from. A bit of a funny their with a hint at truism. The funny was not meant to be at the expense of this person but by sittuations that ocur by rules set in place to protect the establishment.

    Like said we dont know the whole story. Maybe some heartless soul complained and management was backed into a corner when he tried to cash out in the store.
    I hear plenty stories like these and its not only Walmart.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    There was a cart of cans worth $2 left inside the store, which sat for about an hour that the “victim” took and cashed in himself.

    In stores over there apparently there are machines that will cash them out for you on the spot. And if they are full you can bring them to the counter and they’ll take care of it there. This is where the cart supposedly was and essentially taking the cans himself was double dipping from the store.

    Again common sense dictates to myself that if you have a record of armed robbery, if you don’t know the store policy or the circumstances, just don’t do it!

    In an attempt to completely derail this already off target story I’ll share a tale from my past that, at least to me, seems somewhat similar. Back in the day we used to buy cases of beer in bottles that required a $2.40/case deposit that you got back when you returned the bottles to the liquor store. FWIW the drink of choice was Olympia Light Draft back in those days. Long story short… at that time it was common practice for liquor stores to pile the cases of returned bottles on the loading dock waiting for the next beer truck to cart them off. Back in my early twenties I knew a guy that had a job working at a liquor store that got himself fired for walking off with the empty cases at closing time and returning them to a liquor store across town the following day.

    If only he had known to claim he was cleaning the loading dock….

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    There was a cart of cans worth $2 left inside the store, which sat for about an hour that the “victim” took and cashed in himself.

    In stores over there apparently there are machines that will cash them out for you on the spot. And if they are full you can bring them to the counter and they’ll take care of it there. This is where the cart supposedly was and essentially taking the cans himself was double dipping from the store.

    Again common sense dictates to myself that if you have a record of armed robbery, if you don’t know the store policy or the circumstances, just don’t do it!

    In an attempt to completely derail this already off target story I’ll share a tale from my past that, at least to me, seems somewhat similar. Back in the day we used to buy cases of beer in bottles that required a $2.40/case deposit that you got back when you returned the bottles to the liquor store. FWIW the drink of choice was Olympia Light Draft back in those days. Long story short… at that time it was common practice for liquor stores to pile the cases of returned bottles on the loading dock waiting for the next beer truck to cart them off. Back in my early twenties I knew a guy that had a job working at a liquor store that got himself fired for walking off with the empty cases at closing time and returning them to a liquor store across town the following day.

    If only he had known to claim he was cleaning the loading dock….

    James I hope economics dictated the beer be Oly. I would hate to think it was a taste preference. tongue

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    James I hope economics dictated the beer be Oly. I would hate to think it was a taste preference.

    Definitely. It was a long time ago but I remember Olympia being horrible unless it was tooth cracking cold. But it was cheap!

    Posts: 1811

    I’am going to let this go..but i still think something stnks.Try good old buckhorn bottles at 1.90 a case, That was a taste treat for sure. DK.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    I remember the anticipation of Olympia coming to Minnesota. I vividly remember the disappointment all these years later. Terrible stuff. Tasted more like water with a tinge of ????? Course I felt the same way about Coors when I came on the scene. Didn’t think it was very good either.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    I remember those cases of beer good memories. Pheiffers, Old Milwaukee and Smidt empty cases in the garage, next to the camper or sitting on next to the fire.
    considered successfully derailed. )

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Schmidt large mouth bottles with a bottle of Boones Farm wine. Those were scary times.

    Posts: 547

    And you must buy something at Walmart.I walked out of there without buying something and I was told that next time I got to buy something.By the stupid Walmart greeter that gets paid for nothing.

    Gabe, I really don’t like calling a person a liar but your story just don’t hold water. No one told you that you had to but something and you know that. And please explain how the store greeters get paid for nothing!!!!! I don’t think you have a clue what that persons job really is. It’s discount retail with alot of part time jobs to offer just like Target,Sears, JC Pennys, Menareds. Home Depot…and the list goes on and on…..Just don’t make a reply on something because you feel the need to jump on the bandwagon!!!!

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I’am going to let this go..but i still think something stnks.Try good old buckhorn bottles at 1.90 a case, That was a taste treat for sure. DK.

    Or Hauenstein. Cases 2/$4.00 back around 1966 or so..

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