Watched it and sent a link to a retired leo friend with a warning on keeping the blood pressure meds handy if he decides too watch it.
What a sad deal. Grew up in ne mpls. Not sure how cities all over the country fix what is so broken. Hard to not at least address what the controlling politicians have done, are doing and will keep doing.
Really liked Bush Jr. Voted for him twice and have been very vocal about how much his terms were ruled with reducing taxes and increasing spending. Tax cuts like a republican and spent like a democrat. Put in the patriot act and flushed away my attitude towards republicans. Unhooked any affiliation to any party. Both sides are guilty of, my guy/gal/pronoun can do no wrong.
What transpired in mpls can not be ignored with just a simple, well both sides suck.
What is happening and has been a historical problem in urban areas is not getting better. It’s getting worse. The controlling party in urban areas in many cases is doubling and tripling down on horrible policies. At some point something will happen that’ll close cities down across the country worse than the riots mpls dealt with. With urban areas and politicians being frozen with fear and impotent to do anything. Fear will lead to a police state and a rule of law that will do nothing but escalate things to a level that is un-bridgeable to get back to anything resembling normalcy.
Fact is the far right does some utterly horrible things.
That does not mitigate the fact this case had a lot of very horrible things that are unavoidably biased and disturbing. No matter how bad the other side is, it’s not an instant trump card to ignore this case for what it is on its own merit.
Sad all the way around and defines ignorance. Taking accountability for one’s own actions and looking at things with any kind of objectivity is lost on so many levels from so many people.
With all that said, am still a little leery of Liz Collins. She’s a good reporter, just hard not to be skeptical with who her husband is and the accusations against him.
This country needs something that both parties lack. Blind loyalty, to either party, is idiotic. But at some point the party that is and has been in control of most urban areas might want to do something refreshing like take a long look in the mirror. What is being done is not working. And if it is working, the agenda is crystal clear.
Sad deal.