My wife and I sat down to watch an episode of Designated Survivor on Netflix last night. As it was getting going I mentioned that I watched The Fall of Mpls which she had never even heard of. I shared some of the key points about how we were withheld information or flat out lied to and she said “why hasnt the media told us this”? I told her you know the reason because it doesnt fit what they wanted to happen. She went on to say someone had to be held responsible for Floyds death, I said well in the movie you can clearly see he had swallowed a bunch of pills, the autopsy confirmed he had a lethal dose of fetanyl in his system and the restraint used was a formal approved technique by MPD with proven documentation shared in the movie, but all was denied and lied on the stand by the police chief. She then said well they should have tried to help Floyd. I said they called for an ambulance within 3 or 4 minutes of detaining him. The one arresting officer was performing CPR on him as well when he went into arrest. Of course none of this footage was allowed in the trial or previously seen by the public. This is when she left the room in disgust.
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