The Fall of Minneapolis movie

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    I tried to watch it. I could only take 40 or so minutes of it. I will have to try and finish it later. The whole situation was so messed up. There are politicians who should be in jail over the handling of this mess. If watching this does not open ones eyes to all the crap going on around us, Nothing will. But sadly not many will take the time to watch it. They have better things to do with their time, as well as rather not know.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    Bearcat, Apologies – no -disrespect intended – just human error on my part.
    I was not saying anything about Bearcat – in MY reality he is spot on.
    The officers showed amazing restraint for men and women who deal with this poop day in and day out.

    OG Net_Man
    Posts: 865

    To me this was quite disturbing to watch. I wanted to shut if off and bury my head in the sand.

    It is hard to believe that our justice system is that flawed. To me this reflects a decay of society that is worse than the crime alleged.

    Hopefully I can keep my wife from watching this. She already thinks that the world is in the crapper (more than most people) and I prefer not having to hear what her rants would be from watching this….

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    If watching this does not open ones eyes to all the crap going on around us, Nothing will. But sadly not many will take the time to watch it.

    I seen first hand what some think about this show. We watched it with a group and two of the gals we watched it with are very “WOKE”.

    #1 induvial left right away and refused to watch. Instead she told us we were the problem for even turning this on. #2 made it half way through before she teamed up with #1 in the kitchen and did what they could to make it hard to hear and watch this show. Again, because we were the problem???

    Neither of them learned or wanted to learn anything about this show. The rest of us will have to watch it again just to see the last 40 minutes and understand what was said.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    Neither of them learned or wanted to learn anything about this show. The rest of us will have to watch it again just to see the last 40 minutes and understand what was said.

    There lies the problem with the so called WOKE society. Their views on things are set. Nothing anyone can do or show them that will change it.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    There lies the problem with the so called WOKE society. Their views on things are set. Nothing anyone can do or show them that will change it.

    Oh Please! This isnt a woke or far right quality. Its all of us! There are literally people in this very thread who said “no need to watch this. i already know everything about the situation.” There is a reason “fake news” was made into a common phrase – if you see/hear something you dont want to believe you just call it fake news and keep on believing what you want. Likewise, if you see/hear something that affirms what you already believe, such as this movie, you gobble it up

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I’ll bite, crappie. When was the last time someone on the right was right and you were wrong? I know I’m not voting again for the current frontrunner on the right. I’m sure I can provide other examples but that’s a pretty big one to start with.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    If you don’t have the time to watch the whole thing, click on BK’s link and go to 59:25 mark to 1:00 mark… this is where he admits he is not on the neck.

    Then go to 1:00:21 to 1:01:50 … that shows where either the Chief of Police lied under oath, or the retired police and the training manuals are lying.

    Watch that and then decide who the criminals are and which police are corrupt.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1896

    Oh Please! This isnt a woke or far right quality. Its all of us! There are literally people in this very thread who said “no need to watch this. i already know everything about the situation.” There is a reason “fake news” was made into a common phrase – if you see/hear something you dont want to believe you just call it fake news and keep on believing what you want. Likewise, if you see/hear something that affirms what you already believe, such as this movie, you gobble it up

    It’s not all of us. You may think that but you’re definitely wrong. Being open to others opinions and having civil discussions is a major problem but in my experience it’s a bigger issue for those in the woke left category.
    Maybe you think “fake news” means news that you don’t agree with but I don’t think that’s the common line of thought. I’d imagine, believe it it not, most folks call news that isn’t true “fake news”. There’s plenty of it out there on basically every national news network.
    There’s a difference in someone choosing not to watch it because they feel they’re already educated on the subject and someone who chooses not to watch it because they don’t want to know the truth or don’t want it to change their perception.
    This video isn’t an opinion, it’s facts laid out as good and as apolitical as they can be.
    Most people are “gobbling it up” because for once we’re getting the facts, not “fake news” and political propaganda.

    Posts: 1122

    Somewhere along the line, FACTS have become irrelevant. That is the scariest thing about the whole deal.


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    If you don’t have the time to watch the whole thing, click on BK’s link and go to 59:25 mark to 1:00 mark… this is where the Police Chief admits he is not on the neck.
    Then go to 1:00:21 to 1:01:50 … that shows where either the Chief of Police lied under oath, or the retired police and the training manuals are lying.

    Watch that and then decide who the criminals are and which police are corrupt.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3211

    Maybe this video should be used to ask for a new trial for those jailed because of this incident. This video should be entered as evidence. Then get the black police chief and the black attorney general recused because of their inability to separate skin color from fact, which is fairly evident given the proof of the police tactic used and other lies and ommisions that both of individuals used during the trial.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    It’s not all of us. You may think that but you’re definitely wrong. Being open to others opinions and having civil discussions is a major problem but in my experience it’s a bigger issue for those in the woke left category

    Whats the difference? If it’s some of both then it’s a problem for both “sides”. So if “woke” (still a word no one can define) is closed to other opinions 68.7% of the time and right wingers are closed to other people’s discussions 52.9% of the time is someone winning in that scenario? How about we just agree both sides of the isle could do a better job of having open discourse and listening to one another. Remember I’m replying to gishthumper who opened it up and blamed one side for being a problem.

    Picklerick if you read my posts carefully I rarely give my personal opinion about political topics. Usually because I don’t have one. What I normally do is call out bullshit logic when I see it.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    You know for a group of people who wholeheartedly can’t stand murderapolis, rip on it every single chance you get, and claim you will never spend a penny there again in your lifetimes, you all sure do care about what happens in Minneapolis a lot

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    You know for a group of people who wholeheartedly can’t stand murderapolis, rip on it every single chance you get, and claim you will never spend a penny there again in your lifetimes, you all sure do care about what happens in Minneapolis a lot

    It’s more then Minneapolis, it’s the country that’s hurting from this. But I spend 8 to 15 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week in the metro. I watched the fires burn, I was part of the demo of alot of these buildings and I’m part of the rebuild. I didn’t want to watch it because I don’t like negative stuff and try to veer away. But the woman put it on and it was hard not to watch

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    You know for a group of people who wholeheartedly can’t stand murderapolis, rip on it every single chance you get, and claim you will never spend a penny there again in your lifetimes, you all sure do care about what happens in Minneapolis a lot

    The shame of it is the Twin cities run the state. They make the rules the rest of the state has to follow. Everybody should be paying close attention to what is going on in the cities.

    Posts: 1279

    You know for a group of people who wholeheartedly can’t stand murderapolis, rip on it every single chance you get, and claim you will never spend a penny there again in your lifetimes, you all sure do care about what happens in Minneapolis a lot

    Disliking the metro, and wanting to avoid it as much as possible does not mean one doesn’t care about what happens there, as innocent people are affected.

    Personally, I hate the metro. Hate the traffic, hate the crowds, hate the pace of life associated with it. In fact, the next time i visit there will be too damn soon for me.

    At the same time I care about the people there – and I want people treated fairly and justly. So yeah, I guess I care about what happens there.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3211

    At the same time I care about the people there – and I want people treated fairly and justly. So yeah, I guess I care about what happens there.

    It’ll never happen as long as there is black/white, asian/white, etc, etc. Basically, there’s too much governmental and special interest money tied up in having prejudices. I think the government simply needs to have prejudices in our lives otherwise they’d do something proactive to remove it.

    I like to think I can see both sides of the current political fence we all are sitting on. I’m big on the candidate, not the party. I did not vote for Trump in any election for reasons that are my own, but one thing he did push for was America first. Personally, I feel that if this country would adopt a single set of rules for everyone, and instead of having Afro-Americans or Asian-Americans, or anything else-American, a new ” you’re an American of whatever descent you want” [African, Asian, bellyflop], then we’d all be “American” first and if you want to be something else feel free to leave these soils and go there. Just don’t come back. No white, no black, no red, no brown, just American first…. things would be in the right direction to improve.

    This race schit is tiring. Look at today’s headlines with some of the major universities having all the death threat against the Jewish and Israeli student bodies. Those making the threat are here on educational visas. Ship their garbage out and let them get an education back home. We don’t need the turmoil here. It’s nothing but prejudice and if Palestinians at school don’t like what’s happening back home, they should return there and sign on with that army and defend what they’re bellyaching about.

    And getting rid of prejudice needs to start at the top, the people of power. That police chief and the attorney general are the epitome of racists with their lies. And that chicken schit judge in the Chovin trial needs to get some work done too. That whole trial was nothing but a fiasco. And every one of those guilty verdicts were written with the payment of how many millions to that outlaw’s family well ahead of the trial.

    Those riots could have been qwelled with live ammunition when the cop shop was ceded to the rioters. Frey should have been handed over to the masses first.

    Posts: 6687

    So if “woke” (still a word no one can define

    I’ll try. Woke:
    Emotional thinker… one who acts based on emotion only. Easily persuaded through use of Emotional arguments. Rates emotion as a higher argument than facts and logic. One who disputes any Logical arguments that contradict emotions. Lacks critical thinking. Considers blame as a solution. Has no regard for constitution.

    Opposite of logical or rational thought process.

    How’s that?

    One could boil that down to: moron

    Full draw
    Posts: 1510

    ^^^. If we had a like button I would be hitting it for that post.

    Posts: 583

    This just goes to show what a circus our justice system has become. Why wouldn’t all body cam footage be allowed in court? Because court is not about truth.

    Posts: 6631

    This just goes to show what a circus our justice system has become. Why wouldn’t all body cam footage be allowed in court? Because court is not about truth.

    It really is sad.

    The judge cherry picked evidence that he wanted to support the narrative, and dismissed anything that showed otherwise.

    Body cam footage? Toss it
    Autopsy report? Toss it

    One picture that looks like he’s kneeling on his neck?….yeah let’s keep that one.

    Chauvin was going to be found guilty before it all even started, but they still had to do the song and dance (a trial).

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I’ll try. Woke:
    Emotional thinker… one who acts based on emotion only. Easily persuaded through use of Emotional arguments. Rates emotion as a higher argument than facts and logic. One who disputes any Logical arguments that contradict emotions. Lacks critical thinking. Considers blame as a solution. Has no regard for constitution.

    Opposite of logical or rational thought process.

    How’s that?

    One could boil that down to: moron

    sure! 100% correct. Its 100% correct because your definition is as good as anyone else’s.

    Allow me to rephrase my original statement. Woke – a word that has no agreed upon definition, but rather a vague and wide-ranging collection of concepts and ideas, often, but not necessarily, applied to a person, place or thing aligned to, or in some way representing, a liberal agenda

    Ironically, using a word en masse, that doesnt carry the same definition for everyone, sort of aligns with some of the things you highlight in your definition – appealing to emotion, lacking logic, facts or critical thinking and applying blame…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Let me see if I can define woke… but first, crappie, did you watch where the Chief of Police said they do not train their officers in the MRT technique …? And then did you see where all the retired officers and even the one who is still on the force, said they were trained in MRT and the pictures in the manual ? Do you think the Chief Perjured himself and should be held accountable ? ???

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Let me see if I can define woke… but first, crappie, did you watch where the Chief of Police said they do not train their officers in the MRT technique …? And then did you see where all the retired officers and even the one who is still on the force, said they were trained in MRT and the pictures in the manual ? Do you think the Chief Perjured himself and should be held accountable ? ???

    No. I have very little interest in this case or what happens in Minneapolis. Which is why my comments are related to auxiliary comments in this thread unrelated to this movie. I dont have an opinion on whether Floyd was guilty or innocent or Chauvin was guilty or innocent. Obviously its a tragedy that a man died. Whos to blame idk and dont really care. Likely both parties are partially to blame.

    I feel badly about the state of affairs in MPLS today. Things are clearly worse than they were before this event. It seems clear to me that the local government is playing a big role in that change through decisions they have made. Unlike many of you, i think most problems, on the scale of the downfall of an entire city, are usually a complicated matter which involves many different parties and events.

    If “woke” people were eliminated from this planet the world would not be a perfect place. If far right people were eliminated from this planet the world would not be a perfect place. Some good things that republicans have accomplished, were assisted by policies made by lefties. some good things that lefties have accomplished were assisted by policies made by righties. We are all responsible for this mess and im tired of the finger pointing. Not so much the finger pointing, because thats natural to a degree, but the division is so severe nowadays that i think people really believe that if lefties or righties were eliminated from earth all would be well. thats moronic

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Woke is what we have in the above post.

    When presented with a scenario, which goes against their narrative, they bury their head in the sand and say whattabout….

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Woke is what we have in the above post.

    When presented with a scenario, which goes against their narrative, they bury their head in the sand and say whattabout….

    Ill add your definition to the millions of others

    Posts: 6687

    If you read my definition you’ll discover why there is no definition accepted by the woke. It challenges their emotion and requires critical thinking to define.

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