The Fall of Minneapolis movie

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Sounds like I’ll just get pissed off by watching it so I’m not gonna waste my time lol

    We sat and watched Christmas chronicals instead last night. The lady and kids enjoyed that alot more last night.

    Posts: 6631

    We watched it last night.

    They got exactly what they wanted.

    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    My neighbors comment is, Well just look who wrote this, a right wing hit piece. My comment is that facts are facts, they are all there, it is eye opening what control the people in charge of things have and how most people simply allow it. I get the…well I’ve had enough, I am not going to waste my time watching. These things will never get fixed unless the public is educated rather than simply following the narrative. Interesting, in the Star Tribune a few days ago an elderly gentleman finally got his water main issue fixed. The City said that the have over 400 such concerns but at $33,000 each to fix, where do we get the money? True but they gave up the 3rd precinct building, at a total loss of more than enough to fix that issue, and the topic is often discussed where and how much it will cost to replace the police station. Give me a break. Regardless, it showed that any mob in numbers can control the narrative and do what they think is right. I’m not a big Trump supporter but I fail to understand if January 6th was an insurrection, why didn’t the military simply come in and shoot everyone? The piece certainly made me more clear on this situation.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    And folks will still tell Conservatives and Republicans that we make everything up.

    Everything that happens in Minneapolis-St Paul will have either a trickle down or tidal wave effect to the rest of the state. Sad, frustrating, or blood boiling as it is, there’s details in these cases that need to be known and shared. Especially with folks who won’t hear or see this stuff from news networks they follow. Nothing’s ever gotten better by ignoring it.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    I know he’s not everyone’s favorite, but I loved this interview by Tucker. Touches on facts from the Floyd situation.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    It’s an amazing world we live in when the truth does not matter.

    Posts: 94

    December 2, 2023 at 1:55 pm
    I know he’s not everyone’s favorite, but I loved this interview by Tucker. Touches on facts from the Floyd situation.

    And millions of people believe him, even though he was fired from a so called news organization for reporting false information.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3216

    December 2, 2023 at 1:55 pm
    I know he’s not everyone’s favorite, but I loved this interview by Tucker. Touches on facts from the Floyd situation.

    And millions of people believe him, even though he was fired from a so called news organization for reporting false information.

    Not the first or last to ever be fired by a business that didn’t like what their employee was saying. The “false information” is looking more true every week.

    Ike Sell
    Posts: 82

    Thomas Jefferson wrote that a well-informed electorate is a prerequisite to democracy. The video does help us understand elements of our government and police behavior that has not been exposed before.

    The other side of the coin is the behavior of the citizen. I find seeing the behavior of Mr. Floyd, both in this case and in prior cases as instructive. He must not have watched Chris Rock’s routine on how to not get your ass kicked by the police… this whole mess started right there.

    Posts: 94

    Not the first or last to ever be fired by a business that didn’t like what their employee was saying. The “false information” is looking more true every week.

    When it costs the business 790 million dollars, it’s probably a little more than not liking what he said.

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1918

    So back on track to original topic, what did you think about the movie?

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    So back on track to original topic, what did you think about the movie?

    I thought it was rather sad. The original arresting officer, only a few days on the job, showed extreme patience with George Floyd and ends up in prison for 35? Years+\_.
    All because in the past situations police did get away with some aweful stuff.
    So this time, because politicians want to buy votes, they treat the cops like criminals.
    The media doesn’t want to report the story as it is they want to report what sells. And now at least one good cop is in prison, Derrick Chovin is stabbed in prison and the city of minneapolis is a zoo.
    Great job Frey, Walz and Ellison, great job!

    Posts: 1695

    This documentary is only the tip of the iceberg.
    Dinesh D’Souza’s newest documentary ‘Police State’ gives a much bigger picture, without going into biblical references or prophesies.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6003

    The source is not exactly unbiased, that said as someone who works in MPLS and lives one mile from the city, things have really been on the decline.
    What might surprise many here is when the defund the police dept. vote happened the neighborhood that was against it the most was NORTH MPLS. Not that they are crazy in love with the PD but they know what life would be like without. The uber liberals in rich neighborhoods who can compensate with paid security voted to defund.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17387

    “The uber liberals in rich neighborhoods who can compensate with paid security voted to defund.”

    I’m not buying that. You don’t get rich using your own money when taxpayer funds are available.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6003

    You explain why in affluent neighborhoods in Mpls. The defund movement got lots of votes, while in North MPLS it was strongly rejected. The issue is complicated and guilt is surely mixed in. Crime is less of a pressing problem in affluent neighborhoods and the rich are able to move(as many have) to safer areas in the suburbs. Don’t assume that the affluent are always conservative many famous BILLIONARES have been not just liberal but full on socialist, you can reply here to the irony of that, Google it, just telling you the facts. Those folks in N. MPLS are not always huge fans of the PD but they do not have as many options and clearly did not like the option of ‘defund’.

    Posts: 2123

    It definitely change my view watching this. The only question I have, when will it happen again in MPLS.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13394

    It definitely change my view watching this. The only question I have, when will it happen again in MPLS.

    Right before the next election.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    This is going to get much worse.
    How to solve it?
    I shudder to think of the upcoming day when push comes to shove and enough people take charge and “create” change. I honestly feel that day is coming.
    A small percentage of individuals in this country is making sweeping changes to the very fabric if the nation.
    Let’s not fool ourselves. 50+% of people do not support the radical left movement as we are led to believe.
    I will say thank god for Elon Musk buying Twitter. At least SOMEONE w F-you money is pushing back!
    As my family and I discuss these issues the narrative always comes back to the same question? WHAT is the end game? Seriously, what is the end game?

    Posts: 24658

    I will say thank god for Elon Musk buying Twitter. At least SOMEONE w F-you money is pushing back!

    Twitter is SOOOO much better now than it was. The stuff that has been released from the Twitter files since his purchase are absolutely infuriating.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    December 2, 2023 at 1:55 pm
    I know he’s not everyone’s favorite, but I loved this interview by Tucker. Touches on facts from the Floyd situation.

    And millions of people believe him, even though he was fired from a so called news organization for reporting false information.

    He was fired right after he got all the Jan 6 tapes and started airing them… they had to release the Shaman, their face of the Jan 6 “insurrection”… more was coming… he merely mentioned the word “Blackrock” and he was fired.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6003

    Too bad that both sides depict the other as extreme-most are moderate and most could agree on many important issues. To show the other side as dangerously extreme generates contributions, money unfortunately is more important than votes, esp. right now.

    Ryan Schwartz
    Western WI
    Posts: 245

    It was certainly eye opening, but I thought the documentary was really well done. Feel more informed hearing from more than just one side on how things played out.

    Posts: 1822

    Hillary Clinton stabbed Chauvin and I have the proof. Tucker Carlson will be backing my story on his next twitter cast.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    You are so witty. bow Did you watch the documentary ? Can you explain the “conspiracy” in the chief of the Mpls police saying under oath “we don’t teach that tactic”… and see all the 30+ year officers who retired, because they were thrown under the bus as being racist saying, yes we were taught that tactic, it works. Over and over.. and Chauvin’s Mom with his text books, which has instructions and pictures of the hold down tactic. I know, I know, Maybe Hillary was on his neck. coffee

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    Not that it matters. But in that booklet the knee is on the upper back just under the neck not across the neck correct?

    The woman wanted to watch it so we did last night. Lots of messed up stuff going on. Some real scummy people in our government.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Not that it matters. But in that booklet the knee is on the upper back just under the neck not across the neck correct?

    Yes.. exactly as you can see from the bodycam footage, he wasn’t on his neck… but the only footage/picture, used in trial and that the public seen (myself included) was the one that made it look like he was on his neck. When I first seen it, I too said what a dumbass, he is cutting his airway off…. that’s only what I was shown.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    Not that it matters. But in that booklet the knee is on the upper back just under the neck not across the neck correct?

    The woman wanted to watch it so we did last night. Lots of messed up stuff going on. Some real scummy people in our government.

    Hillary Clinton stabbed Chauvin and I have the proof. Tucker Carlson will be backing my story on his next twitter cast.

    Haha the Clintons, They probably had Epstein cover up Bill’s lifetime membership on the island. coffee

    How about the great savior Obama – lives behind walls in his MANSIONS, wife collects $10K per minute in speaking charges. Yeah, real champions for the common folk rotflol rotflol

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    That was thr first of seeing the real body cam footage from the first contact to his death. Very different then what they put on the news. And that alone is so sad and disgusting. I thought those officers handled that thug pretty reasonably. The fact they are in prison is horrible

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    UMY whyd you attach me to that? Did I ask the wrong question

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