Tesla (Nikola, not Elon Musk…) had clean, free, global, wireless energy figured out in the 1920’s. Unfortunately, J.P. Morgan decided to fund Edison instead because “his” works created profit, not prosperity. Tesla was a true gift to humanity and most of our modern technology comes straight from 100 years ago. If you’re reading this on an electronic device, you can thank Tesla for that.
Climate change is real. It has happened since the creation of the climate. However, the RATE at which climate change happens is what is at question. Has human involvement increased the rate at which the climate is changing? The answer…. is an astonishing yes. The rates in which the climate has changed in the last 100 years is what we should observe over thousands of years, if at all.
Dispensing trillions upon trillions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere beyond what the planet naturally produces is a problem. Why do you think they called it a “green house” gas in the 90’s? Because, that’s exactly what happens in a green house when additional carbon dioxide is introduced. That’s why you can have a warm greenhouse (made of glass) capable of growing food in the middle of winter. The suns radition is heating the carbon dioxide. Without anywhere for the excess co2 to go (key word: excess) it remains in the greenhouse (earth with an atmosphere) and continues to build up.
In a way, you could also think of how the suns radiation can warm up our ice shacks without any man made heaters on a nice sunny day in below freezing temperatures. We are the earth sitting in our little atmosphere. That’s why we crack the windows when it gets too warm. Unfortunately, earth can’t crack a window. So, as humans, we have to do our part in reducing co2 emmusions so the earth stops heating up.
As for, “then why is it colder this year?”. Well, think of it as a bath tub. Say the water got cold and you’re adding fresh, hot water. The tub gets full, but when you get back in, the water isn’t completely mixed and you can still feel a cold spot. Well, that cold spot is this years “cold winter”. After 30 minutes it gets cold again so you add more hot water. You keep doing this but after a while, the rate at which your tub water fluctuates temp keeps happening quicker and quicker until you reach the point where you just end up taking a continuous hot shower so hot water keeps coming in and you get no cold water. Humans burning oil is like letting the hot water run. Eventually, the dramatic cold spots will disappear but it doesn’t negate their existence now. Notice what the oceans are doing now with fluctuating temperatures that’s destroyed the Great Barrier Reef.
In the end, it all comes down to making money and burning oil makes money. A lot of it. Tesla knew this 100 years ago… and so did Morgan and Edison.
My god, the bathtub ? You come up with that doozie on your own ??
Adding hot water to a bathtub, will not “create” cold spots… they may make some spots “feel colder” but it will not lower the temperature, that is impossible. Having cold snaps as we just had, are measured by a thermometer, not a scientific big toe in your bathtub. Posts like this make me go… “I have a bridge for sale…”