The ever shifting inconvenient truth

  • bigpike
    Posts: 6259

    Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

    Maybe if guys like Gore weren’t using ever shifting methodology to explain there power grab known as global warming I would take them more seriously. While everyone needs to take our environment seriously these guys continue to be proven as false prophets that from a distance seem concerned with the power and money to be made from it all the while jet setting and not seeing the double standard that is proven to be who they are.

    Posts: 6259

    Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13623

    Much like everything in life. I tend to tune out the extremists. Maybe it’s just how I’m wired. When people start talking in extreme terms and present themselves or ideas at the far end of the spectrum, I find it hard to believe them. To me, the truth lies within a center point. Just like there are always two sides to a story.

    Posts: 6259

    The problem is they have mainstream media on there side and the are in lock step thus the agenda gets pushed and bad science is rarely called out or swept under the rug. Big Al will never be called out on his constant shifts and double talk by the media. He is one of them

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10612

    This was recorded on 12-14-2009.

    Paraphrasing here – “In 5 to 7 years the entire polar ice cap could be ice free during the summer months” 2:15 of the video

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Much like everything in life. I tend to tune out the extremists. Maybe it’s just how I’m wired. When people start talking in extreme terms and present themselves or ideas at the far end of the spectrum, I find it hard to believe them. To me, the truth lies within a center point. Just like there are always two sides to a story.

    I agree. The truth lies somewhere in between because the extreme ends of the spectrum end in big $$$$.

    The thing that I find ridiculous is that so many refuse to support renewable energy research. We’ve been using the same inefficient energy such as gas, oil and coal for over 100 years. The key word is inefficient. These things cost us so much in terms of up startup cost, unit cost, environmental damage and health care that we are slowly driving ourselves into the ground.

    As you can see I never mentioned climate change. The added benefit of the above is proof to ourselves that we are doing our best to not contribute to something that we do not fully understand.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5639

    Exactly. The climate change faithful point to anything and everything and say “Our climate model predicted that could happen”. Great, so you can never be wrong no matter what. If the theory predicts that anything that could happen, then it’s really predicting nothing.

    They were very wrong about hurricanes too.

    And I still remember in the 1970’s there were articles in Scientific American claiming we were heading into a new ice age.


    Posts: 1287

    Probably no different than the coming of the ice age in the 70s?The opposite of what Gore is crowing about.

    Climate change is an ever shifting pattern that has been going on for ever.Some years cycle faster than others.Who knows what will happen next?I do think the climate prediction models do fetch out a little too far.That is billions of dollars of computer equipment.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13623

    When there are billions of dollars at stake between mining, drilling, trucking, barges, power plants, gas companies, and investors – you will never have change! Way too much money involved with no competition.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    When there are billions of dollars at stake between mining, drilling, trucking, barges, power plants, gas companies, and investors – you will never have change! Way too much money involved with no competition.

    Probably not the final solution but it’s a start. It only took 100 years because of big oil.

    Posts: 2596

    I don’t know the cause, nor the politics,or the business of climate change. But from what I’ve learned both studying the geologic record and observations in my travels, the earth is undergoing constant change. Some change takes eons, some are very abrupt. I’ve traveled to Alaska 3 times by motorcycle and have a fascination with glaciers. It intresting to see the photographic record when visiting glaciated areas where once there were massive flows that now a very small remnant may exist. Why this happens and what’s in the future? Who knows?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Few of you will watch this video. That’s ok, just know there are alternatives for clean, inexpensive SAFE nuclear energy right now.

    As our “clean” electric cars suck up more energy from coal mostly, I hope the climate changes (< sorry for the pun) toward liquid sodium reactors.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10612

    I don’t understand. If all of Congress agree on nuclear power, why are we not moving forward with it?
    FYI – I just about fell out of my chair when President Obama said “we need to move forward with nuclear power.” I had no idea he thought that way.
    If the molten salt reactors are proven, what the hell are we waiting for.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1289

    very interesting. thanks for posting.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5639

    Before alternative energy sources really become practical, we need a huge improvement in battery technology.

    Right now the power companies make electricity on demand….the load goes up, they burn more fuel. They don’t have any practical way to store electricity.

    If we had a cost effective practical way to store electricity in bulk, then wind, geothermal, solar, etc. all become very practical. Right now it’s easier to store energy in fossil fuels.


    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 333

    Tesla (Nikola, not Elon Musk…) had clean, free, global, wireless energy figured out in the 1920’s. Unfortunately, J.P. Morgan decided to fund Edison instead because “his” works created profit, not prosperity. Tesla was a true gift to humanity and most of our modern technology comes straight from 100 years ago. If you’re reading this on an electronic device, you can thank Tesla for that.

    Climate change is real. It has happened since the creation of the climate. However, the RATE at which climate change happens is what is at question. Has human involvement increased the rate at which the climate is changing? The answer…. is an astonishing yes. The rates in which the climate has changed in the last 100 years is what we should observe over thousands of years, if at all.

    Dispensing trillions upon trillions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere beyond what the planet naturally produces is a problem. Why do you think they called it a “green house” gas in the 90’s? Because, that’s exactly what happens in a green house when additional carbon dioxide is introduced. That’s why you can have a warm greenhouse (made of glass) capable of growing food in the middle of winter. The suns radition is heating the carbon dioxide. Without anywhere for the excess co2 to go (key word: excess) it remains in the greenhouse (earth with an atmosphere) and continues to build up.

    In a way, you could also think of how the suns radiation can warm up our ice shacks without any man made heaters on a nice sunny day in below freezing temperatures. We are the earth sitting in our little atmosphere. That’s why we crack the windows when it gets too warm. Unfortunately, earth can’t crack a window. So, as humans, we have to do our part in reducing co2 emmusions so the earth stops heating up.

    As for, “then why is it colder this year?”. Well, think of it as a bath tub. Say the water got cold and you’re adding fresh, hot water. The tub gets full, but when you get back in, the water isn’t completely mixed and you can still feel a cold spot. Well, that cold spot is this years “cold winter”. After 30 minutes it gets cold again so you add more hot water. You keep doing this but after a while, the rate at which your tub water fluctuates temp keeps happening quicker and quicker until you reach the point where you just end up taking a continuous hot shower so hot water keeps coming in and you get no cold water. Humans burning oil is like letting the hot water run. Eventually, the dramatic cold spots will disappear but it doesn’t negate their existence now. Notice what the oceans are doing now with fluctuating temperatures that’s destroyed the Great Barrier Reef.

    In the end, it all comes down to making money and burning oil makes money. A lot of it. Tesla knew this 100 years ago… and so did Morgan and Edison.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2827

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    Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’

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    Maybe if guys like Gore weren’t using ever shifting methodology to explain there power grab known as global warming I would take them more seriously. While everyone needs to take our environment seriously these guys continue to be proven as false prophets that from a distance seem concerned with the power and money to be made from it all the while jet setting and not seeing the double standard that is proven to be who they are.

    But…..if Al Gore had not invented the Internet we would not be discussing this here today. LMAO! jester moon

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I don’t understand. If all of Congress agree on nuclear power, why are we not moving forward with it?

    I think partly because we have no good solutions for nuclear waste and we’re already ignoring the problem we have.

    Posts: 1148

    Follow the money.

    There has to be more money tied up into keeping the status quo don’t you think?

    Arnold Schwarzenegger says it best. If you’re not concerned about climate change you should be concerned about pollution. It’s a good idea to limit our emissions and reduce waste. I have never understood why there is so much push back on that.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    This topic omes up ounce in a while in some form or another and its nice to see it discussed. Though, like any other polarised subject, its a constant banging one’s head against the wall. Sometimes we get a voice of reason between the time the head hits the wall.
    Just an observation.

    Pete S
    Posts: 277

    per my in-laws, my wife’s grandfather who used to work for Mobil, personally handed an inventor of a more fuel efficient carburetor a check for $1 million in exchange for not bringing his invention to market

    mike mulhern
    Posts: 171

    We are missing out daily by not finding and using the water source of rivers to the north. Ya that’s right Canada has rivers that are unharnessed and flowing free; heck just paddle wheels turning with the current would provide some electricity. Very little pollution and of course if they choose to build a Dam and make another lake in the wilderness to me that is a plus.


    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    We are missing out daily by not finding and using the water source of rivers to the north. Ya that’s right Canada has rivers that are unharnessed and flowing free; heck just paddle wheels turning with the current would provide some electricity. Very little pollution and of course if they choose to build a Dam and make another lake in the wilderness to me that is a plus.

    Dams have and can cause huge problems for river ecosystems, fisheries, water quality, and recreation. As a fisherman, kayaker, and outdoor lover I am super biased against dams and am glad to see many dam removal projects completed and proposed in the US. Rivers and fisheries can literally come back to life.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I think partly because we have no good solutions for nuclear waste and we’re already ignoring the problem we have.

    Watch the molten salt video.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I’m all for private renewable energy research.

    The idea of renewable energy has been around since at least the 80s when I was a kid. They haven’t come very far.

    Princeton, MN
    Posts: 1297

    Common sense: whether people believe in climate change or not why not take as good of care of the earth as you can. Money means nothing if you can’t use it.

    Posts: 4947

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    I don’t understand. If all of Congress agree on nuclear power, why are we not moving forward with it?

    I think partly because we have no good solutions for nuclear waste and we’re already ignoring the problem we have.

    Research TerraPower. It’s a nuclear power reactor design that no longer needs enriched uranium but uses our depleted uranium. It’s funded by Bill Gates that is currently being built for testing in China because the US won’t allow public nuclear testing.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22529

    What makes our resources today “inefficient” posted by some as the true definition here ? Because somebody told them they were… whistling doah rotflol

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 979

    Worst case scenario on both sides:

    1. We believe that we are causing climate change and take action to reverse it but are wrong, the worst we end up with is a cleaner and healthier place to live.

    2. We don’t believe in climate change, but are wrong, we’re SOL…

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