I rendered out venison suet this morning and got about 12 pounds of clean liquid suet to which I added 4 pounds of cheap peanut butter and 4 pounds of ground peanuts. I filled three of the plastic boxes that suet blocks come in and then filled sour cream cartons until it all had somewhere to be.
The sour cream carton stuff will get pressed into hole in a birch log that hangs right outside the window of the computer room and the cakes go in cage hangers. The woodpeckers, chickadees and nuthatches go bonkers over this venison suet mix.
I had this much already finished up off my two deer. A friend from Iowa saved this last stuff for me. I’m sitting pretty good now and shouldn’t have to buy any suet products now until summer.
The cracklings left from the rendering go into peanut cages wrapped in aluminum foil. The foil keeps the solids inside the cages until they’ve cooled and set hard. The birds like these too.
I weeded out some belly fat that had some meat left on them and hung them on a tree limb out back. Birds use this too. Given the way bird chow on this suet and fat I have a hard time just tossing it. Are there others here who use the deer fat for bird feeding?