My wife took down a a true beast of a buck this past Saturday morning. Put it on the scale AFTER we dressed him out and it came in at 283lbs. (plus or minus a few, this is not certified scale). I guess the food plot program and the off-season feeding is paying off. Well at least Id like to take some credit for filling his belly with high quality forage. But we generally do have BIG deer in my area. But this one had me wide eyed as we walked up on him. Hes not even that old from my judgement but man he sure favored the food buffets rather than chasing all the girls around burning off steam!
This was her first (SOLO) kill buck. 3 years ago she shot a buck non-lethal.. And I was there to (HELP) out the cause or we never would have gotten him. So she has had a personal vendetta to get it done all by herself. I told her she had the keys to the farm, and she could shoot whatever buck she would like. I was proud to see her pass a few young ones knowing she doesn’t have alot of time in the stand.
Pretty cool morning.