Thanks BK and Everts

  • mr-special
    Posts: 696

    Heading out last saturday Nov29th for what might be my last open water trip of the yr and to celebrate my Bday. “maybe”
    its not often i get to fish open water on my Bday.
    took my boat but didnt take my truck cz my cousin had to borrow it “sumhow my truk has Uhaul/Shuttle painted on it” so my bud towed us dwn there

    got to the luanch at about 930am. as i was catching up with BK, my buds that were gettin the boat ready to launch and i get a call from my bud. tellin me we only have one PFD in the boat. i usually keep them in my truk and since i didnt drive i totally forgot they were still in the truk. smh
    its not a trip unless i forget sumthing lol

    i was sittin there with BK sweating bullets. even thought of driving bak to RW to buy sum cheap PFDs. when BK said wait a second and went to a storage locker and pulled out 2 PFDs for me to borrow and save our trip

    we caught fish every from the Y to the dam. nothing hot n heavy, no biggys but still a great outing

    thanks again BK, you da MAN

    ps, breakfast was great as well =D

    Posts: 6687

    Happy B-Day Phil.

    I’ll assume you didn’t down a deer and are considering heading SW with me this weekend?

    Cannon Falls, MN
    Posts: 534

    Yes,…Everts and BK really do understand “service”. There is nothing within reason that they won’t help you with to help you enjoy the day and to be safe. They truly are great people and good sportsmen who enjoy their work.

    Posts: 696

    Happy B-Day Phil.

    I’ll assume you didn’t down a deer and are considering heading SW with me this weekend?

    thx bud
    no i did not yet and yes that sounds like a good idea. =D

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60012

    I didn’t know it was your birthday Mr. Phil Special!

    The idea is to have everyone enjoy their time on the water, sometimes we can help and others not.

    Glad you enjoyed the Spam N’ Shrimp!! )

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