I don’t blame the guns, I blame the process. Raising the age to 25 for semi automatic weapons and handguns would greatly reduce these nutjobs ease of acquiring these types of guns for bad intentions. I have yet to hear of a school shooting with a bolt action rifle or a muzzle loader.
Why can’t you just blame the individual? What good does it do if they wait until they are 25 to do the shooting, buy off of the street or have someone older buy it for them? 25 to purchase a semi auto waterfowl shotgun? How about a spring assisted knife does that fall under your definition of a semi automatic weapon? I don’t understand what more laws are going to do in this country. Enforce the laws we have. Law enforcement knew about the Florida shooter they didn’t enforce the laws. He threatened to kill people that is illegal. Pull people over and ticket them for distracted driving. More laws and more laws it never ends, never fixes anything either if the laws aren’t enforced so why make more?