Defect factory ammo?

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9293

    I bought a box of core lok’t in .243 for my sons gun. The box was factory sealed. While at the range I noticed that with the 20 rounds in this box there were 2 different primer types and the bullets were seated ar different depths. Was this a fluke or have I not paid enough attention in the past and this is normal? I assume its not. I can only assume this affects accuracy if they are not consistant.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    I would say NOT NORMAL! Consistency is everything. I would contact the manufacturer and request it be replaced

    Posts: 731

    Agree with Randy. Not normal. Could be a defect of somehow the rounds from different types got mixed together.

    Return to the store or contact the manufacturer.


    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    It shouldn’t be normal but ever scence the big panic by up by hoarders in my opinion there have been a lot more bad factory loads out there. Especially rimfire! I assume it’s because there were trying to pump out as much as possible to supply the demand.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    After reading this I had a box of Remington Core-lock 100 grain .243 so I checked the COL and most were 2.678-2.681 I did find one that was 2.637 and the longest was 2.684. For deer hunting I don`t believe any of these would make a difference as far as kill zone on a Whitetail. IMO

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