• Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I actually found some handgun ammo today.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I actually found some handgun ammo today.

    It does seem to be trickling in….. and I REALLY hope the worst is over!

    Posts: 731

    Good deal, Ralph.

    I wonder if the ammo profiteer/flippers aren’t starting to get nervous about getting stuck with piles of ammo and they aren’t clearing the shelves every day, therefore leaving stock for people who actually shoot.

    I was in Fleet Farm in Oakdale on Monday and the shelves were bare. No rimfire and only a tiny selection of handgun and high-end rifle.

    I have seen some reloading components come back, but primers are still mission impossible.

    Let’s just pray there isn’t another crime spree that throws people back into hysterical gun-ban panic mode again. I noticed on another board with a higher concentration of tinfoil-lined hat types, that the rumor that “Obama has ordered the government agencies to buy up all the ammo” myth has been refreshed with new fake “evidence”and is starting to be recirculated. Here we go again.


    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    For the most part primers have been good supply around here, some common powders are tight yet.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    Easy to find online now. Even Gander has had some lately. Prices are still high though. That should resolve soon if the media doesnt screw us again.

    Posts: 731


    For the most part primers have been good supply around here, some common powders are tight yet.


    Have things been consistently in stock as far as primers? Or is it a case of just getting lucky and going to the shop the day the truck came in?

    I haven’t seen small rifle primers on any shelf, anywhere, for 8 months now. I’ve only managed to score powder by getting lucky and having someone tip me off that a mail order place had it in stock.

    I haven’t seeen rimfire ammo since December.

    Sure, after Newtown I expected there to be a panic. Just like there was when Obama got elected in 2008 and the Tin Foil Hat types convinced everyone he was going to ban guns in 2009.

    What I can’t believe is how long this has gone on. I thought supplies would be back in June or July. Now it’s looking like we will be lucky if we are back to what we knew as “normal” by this time next year.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    I should have mentioned I was referring to pistol ammo. I have not seen .22’s in a long time either but I have not searched online since I don’t currently need any.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I’ve seen .22 at Fleet Farm. Not bulk boxes, but 100-packs.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Element has ammo also. Plus they ship to your door for 12.95. Not bad if you’re buying a case.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Well, we have another gun incident in Georgia right now. Put back on your tin foil hats everyone. Thankfully no one was hurt!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    There’s always a gun “incident” someplace. Its just when the media decides to go after us. Join the NRA. The monthly magazine is interesting and eye opening. Lots of people including the president are after our guns still.

    Posts: 731

    Unfortunately, it isn’t the media that’s buying up all the ammo. We’ve had many shooting incidents before where there was massive media coverage, but the ammo shortage due to hoarding and panic buying either didn’t happen at all or wasn’t nearly as bad.

    Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls. Unless the Republican’s pull their fingers out of their idiology and decided that winning is more important than “purity” (whatever that is), we’re going to be saying hello to another President Clinton very soon and the situation as it relates to gun rights isn’t going to get any better.

    It’s a sad, sad situation we’re in. The Republican party has gone so far to the whack-job right, that were there to be a second coming of Ronald Reagan, he’d be quickly shown the door. Today’s teapot/crackpot/pisspot/wingnut party intelligencia would brand Reagan as a “compromiser” and a RINO and he’d never even see an RNC convention much less a nomination.

    There are two candiates who can beat Hillary. Everyone kows it and everyone knows that neither one of them is currently in favor in the eyes of the RNC. It’s looking like they are fully prepared to bend over and take another whipping, all for the sake of “purity”.


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