N82 Tactical

  • deertracker
    Posts: 9311

    A buddy just told me about N82 Tactical . I’ve done some research and haven’t found a bad comment about them. Being left handed I’ve struggled to find a good holster for my LC9. I will be ordering one from them tomoorow. Here is a video about them.
    N82 Tactical

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    I would think you need to buy your pants a size larger to accomodate inside the waistband carry?

    Posts: 9311

    You might have to wear something other than your skinny jeans… It all depends how big the gun is. I wear my normal size pants with no problem.

    Posts: 138

    Do you have a review of your N82 IWB holster?

    I have been looking for one that is not as big and cumbersome as the King Tuk style.

    The N82 holsters look pretty good.

    Posts: 9311

    Sorry, not much of one yet. I will be in the cities thos weekend so I will be carrying more. The qaulity of the materials looks top notch.

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