That is still mad money for that round, think I will wait until all this hysteria passes and prices come back down. Hoping I am right!
That’s exactly the problem. People who don’t normally shoot 50 rounds per year of ANYTHING have been told by some guy on the internet that Obama is banning guns tomorrow. So they rush out and buy 1,000, 2,000, or 10,000 rounds of ammo.
I was in Gander in Woodbury last weekend looking at the mainly empty shelves and this guy turns to me and asks me what the difference is between .45 Colt and .45 ACP? He says he has a “…fully automatic .45 army pistol and since there’s a gun ban coming, he figured he’d better buy a lot of ammo.” Ummmm, yeah. . .
So here’s this guy that probably hasn’t shot 100 rounds out of a handgun in his life, and yet he’s buying 20 boxes of ammo to horde in his basement for the next 50 years. WTF?
If everybody would just calm down and stop buying ammo just so they can sit there and look a their huge stockpile of ammo, we wouldn’t have a shortage.