1st Black rifle

  • PowerFred
    Posts: 395

    Looking to get an AR platform rifle. I’m thinking about a Bushmaster Carbon 15 or a Stag Model 8. It has to be 5.56 Nato, so I can shoot either 5.56 or .223 Rem through it.

    I’m not looking to spend a ton of money (under $1000 with optics and a little ammo). I can get the gun alone for around $700.

    Any opinions on either gun? Are they decent entry level guns or do I need to spend more to get a reliable, reasonably accurate rifle?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    I wish I could help you but there are so many choices and things continuously evolve since I bought mine. My Bushmaster 5.56 has worked flawlessly through a few thousand rounds. I have a very basic one with the old style M16 type handle on top. My next one would be a flat top all the way for easy optic mounting. i would install backup flip style iron sights as well. My next one would be a 6.8 or more likely .243 so I can use it deer hunting.
    Mine has a collapseable rear stock which is mostly what you see on them. My buddy just got a Ruger with the gas piston. It works very well. I dont have any earth shattering advice other than to order ammo online in bulk for the best possible deals.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027


    Also AR15.com is a great place to look for AR info.

    Stay away from general discussion forum or you could be scarred for life….

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