20 ga slug gun decision

  • backlash
    Owatonna MN
    Posts: 220

    Looking to get a new 20 ga. slug gun, and thinking about the savage 220F (bolt) or ithica deer slayer II. What do you think and do you have other suggestions?

    Posts: 731

    New or used?

    Lots of deer have fallen to the ol’ 870. Not that there’s anything wrong with the Ithaca either.

    I think the key is probably going to be finding the full package that you want in a dealer’s stock. 20 gauge guns in general seem to me to be outnumbered on gun shop shelves about 10-1 or more. Then add to that finding a non-youth gun in a 20 gauge deer configuration is going to be interesting. Maybe down there is slug country it’s a lot more common?


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have been I die hard Remington 870 fan for years and I have killed allot of deer with my old 870. With that being said I am taking a serious look at the Savage 220 it is a real tack driver. I have heard and read allot of good things about the 220 if you are looking for a deer only slug gun IMHO the 220 would be the way to go.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I happen to have both an 870 and an Ithaca DeerSlayer. Both are rock solid dependable and good shooters so it’s really going to come down, in my opinion, which one shoulders or carries better. My Ithaca feels a little heavy to me but the thing is built like a tank so…… guess that explains that! Personally, I like the bottom eject and the beefier construction but I have no idea how the DeerSlayer II stacks up against it’s predecessor. Finding an 870 should be easier, cheaper, and provide a bunch of accessory options. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with either one but I know if I ever parted ways with my Ithaca, I’d miss it more than if I parted with my 870. Most likely that’s just a “me” issue. However, it’s the truth!

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I bought a new slug gun a few years ago and I was thinking about the savage but I’m way more comfortable with a pump action than a bolt just because I have used a pump shotgun to hunt most everythind here in iowa. I went with the Remington 870 Super slug. Heres a 3 shot group at 100 yards off sand bags with 2 3/4″ remington accu tips. Slug guns don’t get much more accurate than this.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    You missed the quarter with all 3 shots……

    Owatonna MN
    Posts: 220

    Thanks guy’s I went with the savage, liked the way it fit and feels.

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