Well, here it is. I got this at Cabelas last night. $268.xx out the door. I’ll be pairing this rifle up with the Burris Fullfield E1 4.5-14×42 in 30MM tube.
My uncle has been a Burris fan for years and after reading how pleased Randy has been over the years I decided to try out my first Burris. Honestly, this is the most I’ve ever invested in a scope. I can’t wait for it to arrive and get it to the range.
My first impression of the Savage is I’m gonna love it. The bolt has a slight “sticky” action but I’m confident that will work itself out and I’m not sure I’d even notice in the heat of the moment. I’ll likely take it to a gunsmith to modify the trigger after I get some rounds through it at the range, but it’s not horrible by any means.
So far, super pumped considering the price. I’m actually contemplating another.