Workplace firearms question??

  • buckshot
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I noticed this morning that my workplace was putting up brand new “bans guns on these premises” signs but from what I know about the requirements of such signs the ones they put up aren’t even close to meeting the legal requirements for signs of that nature.

    I double checked our HR policies just to make sure and of course it says employees can’t bring a weapon of any kind to work.

    So my question is….should I point it out to my HR and facilities people so they can correct the signs or just leave it be?

    I’d rather get the policy changed to allow legal CC people to be able to carry but I’m sure I would have better luck stopping up the Mississippi than changing that policy.

    Any opinions?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ll have to re-read the law, but I don’t think the signs do anything more than give the business the right to ask you to leave or you’ll suffer a $25.00 trespassing misdemeanor.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22858

    I would agree with Kooty, for anyone not employed at the business. A employee handbook will trump any sign issues though with the workers (provided you signed a receipt of receiving a handbook)

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I know the employee handbook trumps any signs.

    I was just curious what people thought. The signs are pointless anyways….correct sign or no sign if someone asks a legal CC holder to leave and they don’t it is the same $25 penalty.

    Funny note…they put one on each of the windows next to the doors this morning and they put one on backwards so it looked right leaving but read backwards as you were coming in.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    I would point it out in a professional manner. If it is the companies position and policy, its their choice. By assisting them in in being compliant with any requirements on location, font size,….. It’s taking the high road and doing the right thing for the company.

    Posts: 1054

    Since they are denying you the right to protect yourself as well as the customer what are they doing to provide protection? Do they have any guidance in the handbook if a situation was to arise? what about liability to the CO? Honest questions that may be asked. IMHO

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Good points Randy and mwal…I may venture down to HR today and point it out and just ask some questions.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12503

    Keep in Mind that Minnesota is a right to work state. Rather or not the posting in legal or not really does not matter. if the employee handbook states no Firearms then legal posting or not does not make a difference if you are caught with a firearm.

    Posts: 9293

    I carry two firearms at my place of employment.

    SE, MN
    Posts: 470

    Here is a link to the state statute on the requirements of proper signage.
    I agree if the business takes this stance help them do it the right way. If I go to a business and they have sings posted that prohibit carrying firearms then I will not shop at that store. I turn and leave and give my money to someone else. If you don’t want my gun in your store then you don’t want my money. That’s my stance on CC.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    Same here. One of those signs is a sure way to keep me out of a business. If I absoutely need to go there then I do not disarm. They dont know anyways.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Mwal brought up an interesting question…..”what are they doing to protect us here at work?” I asked our HR department that exact question…..they had no answer other than you need a key card to get in so not just anyone can walk in….which is a ridulous answer because if someone wanted to get in that bad they would kick the door in or just “tailgate” some employee. The HR lady was a little frazzled with other stuff so I will circle back on this topic with her in a couple days.

    IF something were to happen…..”run”, “hide” and “wait for the police” are all good options the problem is…what if none of those are available options??

    I think that’s the next question I will ask her.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    Your questions are valid but I’m not sure I would push my employer too far on this topic is your job there if important to you.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I get along good with the HR people here so I’m not worried about that. I am also not going to make a big deal out of it, I just think asking the question might get them thinking about it. With all the violence in the world and people losing their minds and shooting up places over next to nothing I do believe it is a valid question.

    I know that realistically there is a snowball’s chance in you know where of the policy changing but without asking the question it doesn’t even start the ball rolling.

    Posts: 731


    I know that realistically there is a snowball’s chance in you know where of the policy changing but without asking the question it doesn’t even start the ball rolling.

    You’ve captured the end game right there.

    Therefore, IMO, there’s no point in pushing it any further and risking being labeled as a “gun nut” by someone. You never know when something like this can come back to haunt you.

    There’s no freaking way that any workplace is going to say, “Yeah, great idea, all you CC guys strap ’em on and lock and load.”

    I mean, come on, let’s be real here. We just saw with that shooting situation in New York, even the supposedly well-trained police got all jacked up and started spraying rounds into a crowd of bystanders! WTG there boys, you just a situation where one guy got shot into a situation where over a dozen were hit and many by police bullets.

    So given that, there’s no way a workplace is going to consider letting some amateur carry a piece in case there’s some kind of incident.


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 622

    I work in a building that is the world headquarters for the building owner. My company leases the entire 4th floor so we get stuck with owner rules. The signs state the company bans guns on the premises. So the way I read it if you only have one gun you’re OK…right? JK /Signs are silly and don’t protect anybody, but they do show ignorance. BTW when seconds count the cops are only minutes away.

    If anything goes down at work I can just envision half a dozen PTC people running to their vehicles for protection.


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Saying something is very important. My company (A major life insurance/investment company in downtown St Paul) had signs up immediately after the law passed. As well as many companies downtown. We got a memo saying guns were banned on the entire property.

    I pointed out in a well worded memo that they could not legally ban guns in public areas of the property. Meaning I could posses guns in the parking lot, skyway, sidewalks ect. After about 3 months the signs went away. I was not the only person to complain about the signs.

    I also made it a point to go into every single business in downtown St Paul that had a no guns allowed sign and told the owner or manager I would not do business with their company as long as they banned guns. Funny, there is only one company that I am aware of in the entire downtown business dist today that still has a sign up. This company is Cray Inc. (Large supercomputer company) They actually had the sign painted into the doors all fancy like. So they would need to have a paint over to remove the signs. That, and I don’t look like they guy who is in a position to drop a couple million on a new computer.

    My local MGM put up a cheaply created sign. Saw it coming through the door. Put my case of beer on the counter and said something like, if you don’t take the sign down, you lose this sale. The sign came down as I stood there.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    Cool stories Jon. I once walked away from a brick company that had the sign. A freaking brick company!!!!!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    Jon, here’s my office sign. Your welcome to do business with me anytime you want!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    So Thursday at work I get a corporate wide email, the company likes to send out videos once in a while to all the employees and it just so happened that the video they sent out was “Hostile Intruders in the Workplace”.
    It was okay but if the main message of the video was….”If you hear shots get out or hide”. I do give them credit for addressing the worst case scenario of having to face an armed assailant. Their suggestion was to get aggressive and use whatever you can as a weapon to throw at or hit the assailant.

    At the end of the video they provided a phone # and email address if we had any questions. I took the opportunity to craft a VERY carefully worded email to send to our Corporate Security Dept. I sent it to the wife and had her read it first to make sure I was purely coming across as a concerned employee.

    As of now I have not seen a response to the questions I asked. I will be sure to update this post with my email and their response when/if I ever hear back.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    Buckshot, I’m looking forward to hearing their response.
    It’s just too bad for all of us law abiding people that those that chose not to own/use firearms have an uneducated sense of fear.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    Here is the email I sent to corporate Security
    I just finished watching the Hostile Intruder In the Workplace video. I think the video is a great reminder to people that even though the odds of something like this happening are very remote there is always a possibility that it could happen.

    I talked to our local HR department here in MN a month or so ago when I saw new “Bans Guns on these Premises” signs go up. I questioned the value of such a sign and what we were to do if something like this happened since we have no on site security staff, we just have key card entry doors. We had a nice discussion but it really didn’t go beyond that.

    After seeing the video and realizing that (Company Name) understands this could happen and has sadly become far more common recently I thought I would contact you with some questions/concerns.

    What is value/reasoning behind the “bans guns on these premises” signs?
    If a person is deranged enough to go through with something like this, the signs are not going to stop them at the door. I would think if anything, it provides them an additional feeling of confidence/security thinking they are going to be the only armed person on the premises until the police arrive.

    Has there ever been any discussion around allowing trained, certified employees to carry a concealed weapon at work in states that allow it?
    Obviously if a situation like shown in the videos ever arises getting out of the building is absolutely your best option but the last scenario of confronting the assailant leaves an unarmed/unprepared employee at a tremendous disadvantage.

    Here is something that happened to me recently. I have never felt that I needed a concealed weapon since my quiet, home to work family life style doesn’t put me in questionable situations and in my 20+ years of being an adult I never once wished I was armed so I could protect myself. However, just a month ago after playing hockey with a group of friends we were standing around in the parking lot and someone tried to steal my truck which was parked 15 feet from where we were standing. It was a very scary situation realizing this man was brazen enough to crawl in to the driver’s seat of my truck while we were basically right there. As it turned out he was unable to get my truck started but even with all of us yelling at him to get out and leave he persisted until the police arrived, which thankfully was very quickly. Had he been armed that situation could have been drastically different, thankfully he wasn’t but we didn’t know that until the police had him in custody.

    If the policy were to change I would think signs at the door saying “(Company Name) welcomes legal conceal carry permit holders” would be a very effective method of preventing an attack like those shown in the video. If a potential assailant thought they could be confronted by multiple armed employees protecting themselves and each other it might be just enough to just prevent the attack altogether.

    Once again, thank you for releasing the video, no matter how unlikely it is to happen it is good to remind people it is possible so they can have an idea of what to do in a situation like that.

    I look forward to hearing from you regarding the questions above.

    Here is the response I received:
    Thank you for reaching out to us and providing us with your comments and feedback. I apologize for the delayed response. “Company Name” has reviewed the various case laws around the country in regards to carrying concealed weapons and has taken the stance that we will not allow associates, non-associates, vendors or visitors to carry a weapon onto the premises. The posting of the signs at your facility, as well as the other facilities in the enterprise, are required by law so that everyone knows that concealed weapons are not permitted.

    There are a number of reasons for this stance on banning weapons in the workplace, but as it relates to the Hostile Intruder video, I think an important part to keep in mind is the portion of the video from the police officers and experts where they indicate that upon their arrival, they do not know who is there with the intent to do harm. It is for this reason that they ask you not to approach the officers, to show your hands with fingers spread apart, and a number of other steps to instill a sense of security to the officer(s) that you are not a threat to them or others in the building. If we were to allow associates or others to possess a weapon inside the building, the law enforcement response to our situation would be very different and could very likely cause unintentional harm or injury to others who may be there for the right reasons.

    Corporate Security does not believe that we currently have any situation wherein trained, armed staff is required for the safety of our associates. We continue to monitor events taking place around the country and if at anytime we believe this risk is heightened, we would take immediate action to have the proper resources in place. Likewise if you believe there is an immediate or likely threat, please do not hesitate to let us know so that we can evaluate the circumstances and take the appropriate measures.

    Thank you again for your response.

    It is about what I expected to hear back from them. I do feel the piece they are missing though is that IF this does happen we have no way to protect ourselves until the police arive. Once the police arive any conceal carry person is going to holster/lay down their weapon to ensure they pose no visible threat to law enforcement.

    The issue is the time period from the first shot being fired until the police arive and secured the building.

    I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere but it was worth asking.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Did you mention that their signs do not meet legal requirements?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18944

    Typical BS corporate response. You’ll never change their minds but if it happens where you work you could probably use this exchange to secure your retirement….

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    I did not mention that the signs do not meet the legal requirements. Not sure if I want to help them in their plight to keep legal conceal carry holders out of the building.

    I agree suzuki!

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