Barnes Expander MZ Muzzleloading Bullets

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Anyone here use the Barnes Expander MZ Muzzleloading Bullets and if so what grain are you using? I started using the Barns Expanders Slugs in my 870 last year and I love them they leave one hell of a hole. So I want to try these in the MZ this year, thinking of trying the 245’s, any advice good or bad? Here is some info I found on them.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13892

    If they work anything like this, I would swear by them. Here is a Barnes TSX 130gr .277 that I recovered. Shot a doe through the lower neck (facing me), passing through 2 vertebrates, exiting, then embedding in a poplar tree about 5 feet behind her. The bullet had perfect expansion and weight retention. The amount of energy these bullets delivery and carry through is amazing

    Southeast, MN
    Posts: 1014

    wow thats awesome, going to have to look into these as well!

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    Been shootin these since they came out, longest confirmed kill shot so far is 179 yards, that deer went 10ft! Droped my bear in its tracks, dropped toothless 12 in his tracks basicly he crawled into the weeds Also have killed at 169 yards in which the deer dropped instantly1
    Not a better bullet out there imo

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Hey Ben do you use the 250 or 290 grain?

    Here is a pic of a Barns Expander slug from my 870 that put down one of my deer last year.

    Albertville, MN
    Posts: 956

    250 with 100 grans of triple 7 and they look the exactly the same, 100% weight retention on every slug I have recovered, which is 2 of 15 animals typicaly they blow right through even at 150+

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    Been shootin these since they came out, longest confirmed kill shot so far is 179 yards, that deer went 10ft! Droped my bear in its tracks, dropped toothless 12 in his tracks basicly he crawled into the weeds Also have killed at 169 yards in which the deer dropped instantly1
    Not a better bullet out there imo

    Thanks Ben for the recommendation on these. After reading your post, and doing some more research, I picked up the same bullet in an easier-loading version for my tight-bored TC Encore:

    Of equal importance perhaps, I installed a peep sight on the same gun, and saw dramatic results in terms of improved aiming. The sights that come with that gun are far too large IMO, and it was echoed by several retailers that say they get the same complaints. Those bright (and large) fiber optic rifle sights blur a bit when aiming, making them even larger and more difficult to aim with precision.

    I remember growing up shooting a certain .22 for squirrels that had a peep on it, and how much better I shot with that rifle. Apparently, upon doing some reading, there’s some very specific reasons for improved aiming accuracy with a peep. First off, they reduce aiming error simply by being closer to the eye of the shooter. There’s also none of that fuzzy-ness for lack of a better term, or issues with shadows and misinterpretation of the rear sights. I also feel I get more focus when looking through such a peep.

    No matter what the cause/reason, the target in the picture has my first four shots at fifty yards after installing the peep. The two that are touching to the right are the first two. The two closest to the bulls were after a minor adjustment to the peep. I then took a 100 yard shot and was an inch low and an inch left of the bullseye. Incredible accuracy improvement from what I was able to do with the previous rifle sights in that gun.

    Looking forward to muzzleloader season!


    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Forgot to add that I was using two 50 gr. pellets of Trip 7 with one wet patch, and one dry patch between firings.


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