Off hand shooting games?

  • whittsend
    Posts: 2389

    Looking for some fun (Not serious, just laid back) target shooting games for our crew to have some fun this weekend.

    Most likely we will be shooting some sort of off-hand competition, most likely .22’s.

    Anyone know of any fun games we can try?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Do you have any metal targets that reset themselves? They look fun. Funny shooting story only one week old. My buddy and I stopped to shoot for a while on hunting trip. Shot all the pistols then settled in with .22s. I was hitting good. Fast forward 30 minutes. There’s a grouse! I’ll take him with my .22! It will be fun and sporting!!
    Empty 10-shot clip, grouse lives, laughter ensues…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Soup can races…. each person gets a soup can about 10 yards out, then standing behind a line, you need to shoot your can so it rolls/goes about 20 yards or so, until it crosses the finish line. Number of shots is unlimited. This works best with .22 rifles, although it goes much faster with 12 or 20 ga with bird shot

    Just make sure your background for the course is clear…. preferably a 20 acre swamp

    Posts: 9309

    Yeah right “soup can races” We all know you meant beer can.

    river falls wi
    Posts: 64

    me and a few guys shoot golf balls with 22. what we do is start them at about 5 to 10 yards on a golf tee. we use a 10 round clip and see how can get theres out the farthest. good cheep fun when you got some free time. we also hip shoot cans at 5 to 10 yards with a 22 and see who can hit that the most with a 10 round clip.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    These fly better than soup cans and steel targets with a 22-250

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