TC encore

  • todders
    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    Just bought an encore and was wondering about the breach plug position when ready to fire. I thought the lines on the back were supposed to be flat but mine will not go that last 1/16 of an inch to get there? Called TC and they told me to get a newer plug but at gander tonight a new plug stopped in the same place? Anyone familiar with the encore to give me peace of mind before I fire my first black powder round thanks for any help and good luck in wi this weekend!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872


    I thought the lines on the back were supposed to be flat

    Guess I’m not sure what you mean by the lines on the back. I own a TC Encore as well, unfortunately it’s packed away for this weekend’s activities or I’d dig it out.

    If you don’t feel safe firing the gun, take in to Gander and have one of their people look at it or at the very least compare it to the other Encore’s in the store.

    I’d never assume everything is as it should. They used to guarantee they’d shoot perfect out of the box. Well, mine must’ve been built on a Friday, at the end of the shift….the front sight was the incorrect sight for the Encore and it shot WAY high even at close range. After a quick trip over to the local gunshop they swapped out the front sight for the correct one and I was on my way to making my Encore a tack driver. Moral of the story, the world’s not perfect and neither are the people who make these guns. There may very well be an issue with your Encore. I for one hope there isn’t.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    The lines I am trying to describe are on the back of the breach plug and there is one line engraved in the barrel. The alignment lines on the top of the breach plug are another engraved line when lined up with the barrel pulls the breach plug and another black pin that seems like it should line up with the groove in the barrel when it’s tight but it’s just under? Brand new one in gander was same way but I can’t make sense of it. I would think the Guy I talked to at TC should know his stuff but I can’t bet on it. Thanks

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I’ll take a look at my TC tomorrow and post what mine looks like, maybe with a pic. best of luck to you with yours. They are a complete rush to hunt with.

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    Thanks blue. I hope it’s the same. Good luck wherever you are sitting

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