different bullet usage?

  • nzvorak
    Posts: 12

    i wasnt really sure what the title should be. but anyways i was wondering if i use a different type of bullet from the same brand would i have to resight in my gun? or would it shoot the same? i have a .308 that i shoot with 180 grain federal power shok that has worked very well killing my last 3 deer for me. i was given some federal premium gold medal sierra matchking in 168 grains. i wanted to shot those this year but i was wondering if i have to resight my gun in for those bullets?

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    In a one word answer, yes you will have to re-sight your gun in. The bullets not only weigh less, but the powder load most likely varies between the two cartridges changing the trajectory and thus changing the impact point. However, on a positive note, I made the change a couple of years ago from 150 grain Winchesters to 130 grain Winchesters and I was only a little high at 200 yards. So you shouldn’t have to move your scope much.

    Good luck and welcome to IDO!!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Here is a single target that I shot two different loads at. In this case, its the same bullet, seating depth, weight, same powder charge, but a different primer. Testing with a Gamma Chronograph, shown going from a WLR primer to a Federal primer lost almost 150 fps and the pattern opened up. BTW, I did flinch on one shot

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    How does the primer affect the speed of the bullet? Any idea?

    Posts: 559

    Thats amazing! On a shotgun load you can reduce the powder charge by a few grain with a Federal primer and get the same fps.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Jake, each primer manufacture will have a different burn rate. That in combination with the different powders’ burn rate will create many different results.

    Eau Claire , WI
    Posts: 2786

    Well put Randy a lot of people don’t think about different primers

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