Scope mounted on 10/22 issues

  • jt_fish
    Posts: 138

    I have a 10/22 that I mounted a scope on. I used weaver see through rings.

    I sighted the gun in and it holds a good pattern, but when I move closet to the target it shoots low, and as I move farther away from the target it shoots high.

    I don’t understand what is going on. The scope seems to be seated in the rings well and is not moving.

    Is the scope not parallel to the barrel for some reason, is it something you can adjust?

    Are there rings that are better for or recommended for a Ruger 10/22?

    Any suggestions are appreciated

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    What distance do you have it zero’d at?

    Posts: 138

    I sighted it in a 25 yds. At 15 yrds it is 2 inches low, and at 35-40 yds it is 3 inches high..

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    That’s a weird one. Sorry I don’t have any advice other than to possibly contact your local gun smith to see if he has any advice.

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I don’t get it either I would have thought it would have been alot farther zero to get that kind of result. Those distances are to close together to have that big of a diferance in impact. Do you get similar results with open sights with this gun?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    I am not an expert on this, but I had a similar issue with a .308 I had years back. Dead on at 100 yards, but would range higher as I got inside 50 yards…and I didn’t dare use the scope inside 20! Paralax is what I attributed it to, and went back to standard 1″ rings and the problem went away. I used the same scope, so I know it wasn’t that. Not a see through fan. I don’t believe a standard scope can overcome the elevation over the barrel inside 50 yards.
    My $.02.

    Posts: 138

    I have looked at some tragectory curves for .22. It shows the same thing I am seeing, except that it is greatly exagerated in my case. The bullet will rise from 0 yds to about 40 yds and then begin to drop.

    The total rise on the curves was only and inch in 40 yds.

    It was interesting to see how much the bullet actually goes up and then begins to fall.

    I think I will try standard rings and get the scope closer to the barrel. Never use the iron sights anyways..


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