My new little LCP was taken out of the box yesterday and paired up a box of shells…that I cannot hit a 12″x12″ box ten yards away with!
I understand this is a little tiny fixed sight gun but two feet low and one foot right at ten yards? If I hold front high to the point the top of the rear sight horizontally aligns with the rear of the extractor and completely cover the target I can just touch the bottom of the target at seven yards. Sadly this gun is useless to me as my attackers/target are often times about 12″-18″ around fast and furry. I also would not feel good in a personal defense situation as I am not sure I could put a round in “the mass” of a human attacker at five to ten yards if my life depended on it and it may. Looks like this one goes back in the box and the old Glock goes back into service.
Anyone else have this little Ruger or a KelTec and are they just that terribly inaccurate or is something screwy with this one?