870 Express Re-Finishing?

  • DaveD1
    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 44

    So I picked up an used(new) 870 Express the other day at Gander. It’s an NWTF 25th Anniversary Turkey 12 gauge with a 21″ barrel. I bought it for late season roosters, crow hunting and back up slug gun.

    The wood on the gun is the standard Express finish but the wood grain is really nice looking. My past experience with Express wood is a little rain and they look like junk quick. I’ve replaced any I’ve had with synthetic no worries. This wood is just too nice to put in a box.

    Any suggestions on what I can do to protect or toughen up the wood on this gun? Maybe a couple coats of some flat lacquer? I really don’t want a gloss finish.



    Posts: 346

    Nothin’ beats a hand-rubbed finish with boiled linseed oil. It’s easy to do too. Just sand off the existing finish, then start rubbin’. The more coats, the better. Simple process, great finished product. And it’s way cheap.

    Posts: 1957

    I’d leave it alone. They don’t look that bad when they’re used, yes, they look worn, the finish lightens up but it’s not like it falls apart. If you want tough, buy synthetic and put the wood in the box. You can pic up the synthetic for cheap, 20-$30. If you want “pretty” buy a higher end gun or get custom wood. Keep in mind…it is a 870 express.
    Here’s a site that has all sorts of stocks/forends if interested. In the end, I’d leave it stock.



    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    I agree, it is a cool gun but its only a 300 dollar 870 If it was a gun that had meaning, ie grandpa’s gun i would do it but there a dime a dozen i think they look cool all beat up anways

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    I agree with deerdragger

    You have nothing to lose with linseed oil and a little steel wool. Cheap, easy and looks good. I did an old Rem. 31 16ga that really looked evil with linseed oil. It came out GREAT

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    Paint it

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